78 Discussion on Filial Piety and Life as

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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 78. Discussion on Filial Piety and Life as a Senior 78. 論孝順與養老之道

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 78. Discussion on Filial Piety and Life as a Senior 78. 論孝順與養老之道 Precious advises to success - 31 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 31 條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page

Society is progressing, as innovations in technology. Human ideas and thoughts are also changing

Society is progressing, as innovations in technology. Human ideas and thoughts are also changing along with the changes in our surroundings. What was once right may be wrong. What was once wrong, may be right. Right or wrong has to be dependent upon the state of the nation and the global environment. 「 社會在不斷進步,科技在不斷創新,人類的思想也隨著環境在不斷的改變而 改變 。以前認為是對的事,現在不一定是對的。以前認為是錯的事,現在不一 定是錯的。對與錯,要依國情與大環境來考量。」

In the past, children must be obedient and filial to their parents because they

In the past, children must be obedient and filial to their parents because they are given so much. Nowadays parents have become indebted to their children, that they must treat their children with extra care. 「父母有恩於子女,所以做子女的要孝順父母。 現在反而變成做父母對子 女有所虧欠,所以做父母的要善待子女。」 You’re the one that brought your child into this world, therefore you, as the parent, must take full responsibility. 「你讓孩子到世上來,做父母的你就要負完全責任。」

Since you had the power to decide your child’s fate, therefore you must take

Since you had the power to decide your child’s fate, therefore you must take full responsibility for his birth—a life-long responsibility. 「既然你可以決定孩子的去留,所以你對「孩子的出生」就要負完全的責任, 而且是一輩子的責任。」 In contemporary society, only the parents owe their children, their children don’t owe anything to them because it’s the parents that decided to give birth to the children. 「在現代社會中,只有父母欠孩子的,沒有孩子欠父母的,因為是你決定把 他生出來的。」

A person should be responsible. You have the power to decide your child’s fate,

A person should be responsible. You have the power to decide your child’s fate, therefore you should be responsible to your child. 「一個人做事要負責任, 既然你可以決定孩子的去留,你就應該要對孩子負 責任。」 Gratitude is something that children will naturally feel towards their parents. It should not be an excuse for the parents to demand filial piety from their children. 「飲水思源,感恩圖報,這是子女對父母感恩的自然表現,但不是父母用來 要求子女做到孝順的藉口。」

Everything our parents do for us doesn’t come easy. As children, we should always

Everything our parents do for us doesn’t come easy. As children, we should always be grateful and remember to give back. Children’s filial piety should be commended when it comes from the heart, but when it doesn’t, it can do more harm than good. 「父母給我們的一菜一飯、一針一線都得之不易的,做子女的我們理當飲水思源, 感恩圖報。子女出於自然的孝順父母是可以嘉獎的,但出於強迫則令人反感

Young people must take caution in sexual relationships. Don’t bring a child into this

Young people must take caution in sexual relationships. Don’t bring a child into this world only for a moment of sexual pleasure. You will pay a hefty price for giving birth to a child. 「年輕人的性行為要警慎小心,避免為了 一時的性衝動或性快感 ,隨便把孩 子生出來。你把孩子生出來,你可是要付出很大的代價的。」 You cannot fiercely demand filial piety from your children without having demonstrated it yourself. 「自己沒有很好的孝順表現,反而嚴厲要求你的孩子孝順你,這則不可行。」

Filial piety cannot be taught, it must be demonstrated. It cannot be demanded, it

Filial piety cannot be taught, it must be demonstrated. It cannot be demanded, it must come naturally. It has to be willingly shown, not by coercion or bribery. 「孝順父母是用示範的,不是用教的。孝順父母是是出於自然,而不是出於請求。 孝順父母是出於自願,而非出於威逼利誘。」 Self-motivated filial piety should be celebrated. Imposed filial piety should be discouraged. 「孝順父母如果出於自動自發則是可以獎勵的,若出於強求則是不值得鼓勵的。 」

Children are not mules. If you only had children so they can do your

Children are not mules. If you only had children so they can do your bidding, then you are too selfish. 「孩子不是耕田的牛,不可把孩子當牛來使喚,如果你把孩子當牛來使喚,那您 生孩子的動機就太自私了。」 How filial you are depends on how much time you give your parents, not on how much money you offer. 「孝順父母是看你給父母的時間有多少, 而不是看你給父母金錢有多少。」

What parents truly want is their children’s heart and their time. However, only their

What parents truly want is their children’s heart and their time. However, only their tenants, housekeepers, and caretakers can offer them time, but their own children cannot because their children are all busy working, making money. 「父母要的是子女的心,要的是子女的時間,而真正能給父母時間的是房客、是 幫佣 、是看護,而不是子女,因為子女要去上班賺錢。」

Don’t think that giving your parents a few hundred dollars a month makes you

Don’t think that giving your parents a few hundred dollars a month makes you a good son. In these days, the standard of filial piety is measured by the amount you spend in time, not in money. 「不要以為你每個月給父母幾佰元就是孝順,現在孝順父母的標準是以「時間來 衡量的」不是用「金錢來衡量的。」 Elderly people can find it difficult to adjust to the life of their children and grandchildren. They may be better off living separately from their children than to stay mad at them. 「老人家看不慣兒媳孫子們的生活習慣,與其生子女氣不如分開住比較好。」

Be fully prepared in order to have security in your old age. Save more

Be fully prepared in order to have security in your old age. Save more and buy more real estate. 「 為了以後年老的生活有保障,你要提前做好準備,勸君多做儲蓄,多買房地 產。」 Tenants that pay their rent on-time every month deserve a “Filial Piety Award”. Tenants that don’t pay their rent on-time every month deserve a “Disgrace Award”. 「 對每個月按時付房租的房客,我要頒「大孝獎」給他 。對每個月賴皮不付房 租的房客,我要頒「不肖獎」給他。」

Rental income is more reliable than support from your son or government assistance after

Rental income is more reliable than support from your son or government assistance after you retire. 「退休後,靠租金收入生活 ,要比靠兒子, 靠政府補助還來得更可靠。」 The best financial guarantee you can have in old age is your own rental income. 「人老了還是要靠自己的租金收入來過活,才最有保障。」

You’re better off buying a house to live off of in old age than

You’re better off buying a house to live off of in old age than to have children to live off of. At least your good tenants will surely give you money. 「養兒防老不如買屋防老來的有保障,至少你的乖房客會拿錢來孝敬你。」 Some feel that it’s a toil being filial to their parents. Some feel it’s a blessing. Toil or blessing, it all depends on the person’s mentality. 「 有人覺得孝順父母好辛苦,也有人覺得孝順父母好幸福 ,到底是好辛苦還是 好幸福 ,端看各人的心態而定。

If you happen to have children who are not filial towards you, don’t waste

If you happen to have children who are not filial towards you, don’t waste time being mad at them. You’ll be better off taking good care of your own life. 「萬一碰到孩子不孝順,與其你生孩子的氣 ,不如自己想辦法過晚年才好。」 Elderly parents must take good care of their own health. Only if you are healthy can you live happily and not add burdens to your children. 「年老的父母要把自己的身體健康照顧好,有了健康的身體才可以不添子女的麻 煩,這樣你自己活的快樂,子女也輕省。」

Being a parent, you must possess selfless love. In giving to your children, don’t

Being a parent, you must possess selfless love. In giving to your children, don’t expect anything in return. If you give completely, your children will give back. 「為人父母者,一定要有無私的大愛,對子女的付出不要去想到有回報,只要絕 對的付出,相信子女會孝敬你的。」 Filial Piety is a great virtue. That’s why those who are filial to their parents are very fortunate. Be filial to your parents while they still can enjoy it. It’s a blessing for you and your children. 「孝順父母是一種美德,所以孝順父母的人好幸福。趁父母尚健在時候好好孝順 他們,是你與你的子女的一種共同的福氣。」

We must be filial to our parents, but shouldn’t demand too much from our

We must be filial to our parents, but shouldn’t demand too much from our children. This is the contemporary philosophy on Filial Piety. 「 我們對父母要孝順 ,然而對我們的子女則不必要求他們太多,這就是「現代 人的孝道論」。 Those who give love shall be loved; those who give respect shall be respected. Those who are filial towards their parents will receive the same from their children. Don’t ask your children to be filial to you; set a good example first. 「愛人者人恆愛之。敬人者人恆敬之。孝順父母者,子女必孝敬你。不求子女孝 敬你,只求你自己有好榜樣。」

Our parents sacrifice so much for us. It is only right for us to

Our parents sacrifice so much for us. It is only right for us to willingly be filial towards our parents. Those who love and respect their parents will find great blessings in life. 「父母對我們子女的犧牲有那麼大,所以我們主動自願的孝順父母也是應該的。 孝順父母的人福報一定是大的。」 Filial piety towards our parents is our family heirloom. You must set a good example so this precious gift can be passed on generation after generation. 「孝順父母是我們的傳家之寶,只求你自己有好榜樣,相信這樣的傳家之寶才能 代代延續下去。」 Esc For Exit