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587 晨光掠天而過 WHEN MORNING GILDS THER SKIES 晨光掠天而過,我心醒來喊說: When morning gilds the skies, My

587 晨光掠天而過 WHEN MORNING GILDS THER SKIES 晨光掠天而過,我心醒來喊說: When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries: “願頌讚歸耶穌!”不論 作、禱告, May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work or prayer, 我要向主倚靠, “願頌讚歸耶穌!” To Jesus I repair May Jesus Christ be praised! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(二) 黑夜要變白晝,當我衷心歌謳: The night becomes as day When from the heart we say: “願頌讚歸耶穌!”黑暗權勢潰崩,

(二) 黑夜要變白晝,當我衷心歌謳: The night becomes as day When from the heart we say: “願頌讚歸耶穌!”黑暗權勢潰崩, May Jesus Christ be praised! The pow'rs of darkness fear 當它聽聞此聲: “願頌讚歸耶穌! ” When this sweet chant the hear: May Jesus Christ be praised! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(三) 日、月、星辰歌唱,天使天軍頌揚: Sing, suns and stars of space, Sing, ye that see His face,

(三) 日、月、星辰歌唱,天使天軍頌揚: Sing, suns and stars of space, Sing, ye that see His face, “願頌讚歸耶穌!”全地同來響應, Sing, Jesus Christ be praised! Let all the earth around 齊發歡樂歌聲:“願頌讚歸耶穌!” Ring joyous with the sound: May Jesus Christ be praised! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(四) 當我尚存一息,我仍歌唱不已: Be this while life is mine My canticle divine “願頌讚歸耶穌!”唱此永遠歌頌, May Jesus

(四) 當我尚存一息,我仍歌唱不已: Be this while life is mine My canticle divine “願頌讚歸耶穌!”唱此永遠歌頌, May Jesus Christ be praised! Be this th'eternal song, 直至永世無窮,“願頌讚歸耶穌! ” Through all the ages long: May Jesus Christ be praised! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly