5 NF 1 Monday 113 Adding Subtracting Fractions

5. NF. 1 Monday 1/13 Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Please turn off or silence your electronic devices and put them away

Notebooks 1. Label first 10 pages, front page odd, back page even, in the upper or lower corner. (going to be labeled 1 -20) 2. **Glue** Syllabus on page labeled 3 **Glue**

Standards & Objectives Page 1 4 4 NF 3 Add & subtract fractions with like denominators 5 -11 5 NF 1 Add & subtract fractions with unlike denominators

Brain Pop! Add & Subtract Fractions http: //www. brainpop. com/math/numbersandope rations/addingandsubtractingfractions/

Vocabulary +/- fractions unlike denominators Page 5 Top number in a fraction is the numerator, how many pieces we are dealing with The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator, how many pieces make up one whole When fractions share the same number on the bottom they have a common denominator To add & Subtract fractions with different denominators, you must find the common multiple/denominator

5. NF. 1 Tuesday 1/14 Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Please turn off or silence your electronic devices and put them away

Fraction is part of a whole To add & subtract fractions with unlike denominators, convert to equivalent fractions with a common denominator, add the numerators, and keep the same common denominator. Lowest Common Multiple/Denominator: Smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers Multiple is the result of multiplying a number by an integer

+/- fractions unlike denominators Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Page 7 List the multiples of each denominator until you have a common denominator convert each fraction to the equivalent fraction with the same denominator add & subtract numerators, keep the denominator the same

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 9: 9, 18, 27, 36 12: 12, 24, 36

Adding Fractions n Convert each fraction to have a common denominator n Add numerators, keep the denominator the same n Work on worksheet or on page 6

5. NF. 1 Wednesday 1/15 Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Please turn off or silence your electronic devices and put them away

Lost! n FYI – Power outage n Examine each problem. Is the number below it a common denominator for the two fractions? If so, color the square. The colored square will create a path to help Pieere find his teammates. n Work on worksheet or on page 9

5. NF. 1 Thursday 1/16 Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Please turn off or silence your electronic devices and put them away

FACEing Math Lesson 15 n Add and Subtract Fractions (FYI-Sub) n Show work on page 14 -15 n FACE in full color, 5 extra color points

5. NF. 1 Friday 1/17 Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Please turn off or silence your electronic devices and put them away

Reducing Fractions n http: //www. brainpop. com/math/numbersando perations/reducingfractions/preview. weml

Reducing Fractions To simplify a fraction means to make the fraction as small as possible Equivalent Fractions have the same value even though they may look different Factors are number you can multiply together to get another number Greatest Common Factor is the largest Number that divides evenly into two or more numbers Page 11

Step 1 list the factors for both the numerator and the denominator Step 2 reduce the fraction by it’s greatest common factor Step 1 Step 2 16: 1, 16 2, 8 4, 4 24: 1, 24 2, 12 3, 8 4, 6 ÷ ÷

High Speeds and Though Turns n Add and Subtract the fractions n Reduce to the lowest terms, shade the flag that corresponds to your answer n Show work on worksheet or on page 10
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