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461 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌 WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL JESUS 決不會覺得白日淒涼, 決不會覺得夜太長; There is never a day so dreary, There is never a night so long, 我心若真能信靠耶穌, 必能隨時歌唱。 But the soul that is trusting Jesus, Will somewhere find a song.

(副) 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌, 祂培養一詩歌在我心; Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, In the heart He implanteth a song; 使我釋放,使我歡暢得力量, 使我心靈歡樂而歌唱。 A song of deliv'rance, of courage, of strength, In the heart He implanteth a song.

(二) 決不會覺得十架難當, 決不會覺得苦難堪; There is never a cross so heavy, There is never a weight of woe, 主耶穌必親自來背負, 祂愛無法測量。 But that Jesus will help to carry Because He loveth so.

(副) 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌, 祂培養一詩歌在我心; Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, In the heart He implanteth a song; 使我釋放,使我歡暢得力量, 使我心靈歡樂而歌唱。 A song of deliv'rance, of courage, of strength, In the heart He implanteth a song.

(三) 決不會有重擔難卸下, 決不會損失難補償; There is never a care or burden, There is never a grief or loss, 凡事若能帶到十架前, 必使擔子輕省。 But that Jesus in love will lighten When carried to the cross.

(副) 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌, 祂培養一詩歌在我心; Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, In the heart He implanteth a song; 使我釋放,使我歡暢得力量, 使我心靈歡樂而歌唱。 A song of deliv'rance, of courage, of strength, In the heart He implanteth a song.

(四) 決不會再有無告罪人, 決不會再有流浪客; There is never a guilty sinner, There is never a wand'ring one, 藉著祂愛子耶穌恩典, 必能完全拯救。 But that God can in mercy pardon Thro' Jesus Christ, His Son.

(副) 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌, 祂培養一詩歌在我心; Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, In the heart He implanteth a song; 使我釋放,使我歡暢得力量, 使我心靈歡樂而歌唱。 A song of deliv'rance, of courage, of strength, In the heart He implanteth a song.