4 1 Spains Absolute Monarchs Absolutism Absolute monarch
4. 1 Spain’s Absolute Monarchs
Absolutism Absolute monarch = monarch with TOTAL control of government and society p Believed in divine right p n n n Divine right = power to rule is given from God Monarch is God’s representative on Earth Monarch answers only to God As Church authority declines, monarch power grows p Riots and unrest contribute to absolutism p
Phillip II Charles V divides his empire after Peace of Augsburg p His son, Phillip II gets Spain & American colonies p Phillip very aggressive p n p Takes Portugal after Portuguese king dies because he was king’s nephew Spain becomes very rich – Phillip claims 25% of all treasure for personal riches
Phillip II Very religious Catholic p Sends armada to defeat non-Catholic empires p Tries to defeat Elizabeth I & English navy p England wins p This is the beginning of the end of Spanish dominance p
Spanish Empire Weakens p Severe inflation causes economic problems n p Causes to Spain’s inflation n n p Inflation = decline in value of money while increase in cost of goods Growing population Large amounts of silver brought to Spain from Americas (large supply lowers value) Spain expels Jews and Moors n Talented businesspeople and artisans move away, help other economies
Spanish Empire Weakens Expensive production methods increase the price of items – Spaniards purchase from other countries p Due to wars, Spanish debt increases p Phillip declares bankruptcy 3 times p Dutch declare independence p
Spanish Art and Literature El Greco, Diego Velazques famous Spanish painters p Miguel de Cervantes writes Don Quixote p Considered birth of modern European novel p Protagonist = Spanish noble who goes crazy p Tries to correct ills of the world p
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