322 162 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
- Slides: 45
322 162 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture Episode 2 Character Representation การแทนขอมลตวอ
����� H Hamacher, V. Carl and others Computer Organization 5 ed. New York : Mc. Graw-Hill, 2002. P. 25 -36, 790 -794. H Hayes, John P. Computer rd Architecture and Organization 3 ed. Malaysia: Mc. Graw-Hill, 1998. P. 160 - 178, P. 223 - 302. 4
����� H Stallings, William Computer Organization and Architecture : th designing for performance 5 ed. New. Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 2000. P. 269 - 312. 5
����� H Schneider, G. Michael and others Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming for the VAX John Wiley&Sons, 1987. P. 15 - 86. 6
����� Character Representation BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, Uni. Code a Numeric Representation Fixed-Point Numbers (Integer) Floating-Point Numbers (Real) a 8
Characters Representation BCD : Binary Coded Decimal (6 -bits)Byte 6 -bits = Byte 6 64= 2 Zone Part Numeric Part ������ 10 26 �� �� ����� ก������ 10
����� a CDC ����� Display Code UNIVAC �� Field Data ������� a 11
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code Table IBM 8 -bits = Byte Zone Part Numeric Part ��� 8 ������� 13
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 8 -bits = Byte Zone Part Numeric Part Parity Bit ANSI : American National Standard Institute 15
ASCII 7 128 = 2 Standard Codes Table * Printable Characters 7 E - 20) ( * Control Characters 1 F - 0)16 ��� 7 F 16) Table 16 16
ASCII - Parity Bit �������������� 1 ������ • ����� Even Parity Checking • Odd Parity Checking 17
ASCII aปรบมาตรฐาน 7 Bits => ISO/IEC 646 a. ISO/IEC 10646 -1991 a 8 Bits => ISO/IEC 8859 -1 -1998 19
UCS : Universal Character Set a. UCS-2 – 16 bits เขารหสความยาวคงทสำหรบรอง รบ BMP : Basic Multilingual Plane a. UCS-4 – 32 bits เขารหส 22
Characteristics of Unicode a. Script a. Typeface a. Plane (17 Planes, each plane 216 = 65, 536) a. Code Point – U + XX XX : Block Number XX : Sequence Number in block 23
ประเภทของ Code-point v Surrogate code points v Non-characters v Reserved characters v Private use characters v Graphic characters v Format characters v Control code characters. 24
กลมรหสยนโคดในระนาบทกำหนดคาแลว BMP SMP http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Unicode SIP SSP 0000 -0 FFF 8000 -8 FFF 10000 -10 FFF 20000 -20 FFF 28000 -28 FFF E 0000 -E 0 FFF 1000 -1 FFF 9000 -9 FFF 21000 -21 FFF 29000 -29 FFF 2000 -2 FFF A 000 -AFFF 12000 -12 FFF 22000 -22 FFF 2 A 000 -2 AFFF 3000 -3 FFF B 000 -BFFF 23000 -23 FFF 4000 -4 FFF C 000 -CFFF 1 D 000 -1 DFFF 24000 -24 FFF 2 F 000 -2 FFFF 5000 -5 FFF D 000 -DFFF 25000 -25 FFF 6000 -6 FFF E 000 -EFFF 26000 -26 FFF 7000 -7 FFF F 000 -FFFF 27000 -27 FFF
คำนำหนาหนวยวด มาตรฐาน SI-Prefix (International System of Units) (Système International d’Unités) ขนาดของหนวยว ด 103 หรอ ~210 106 หรอ ~220 109 หรอ ~230 1012 หรอ ~240 1015 หรอ คำนำหนา ทใช อกษร ยอ ตวอยาง Kilo K Kilobit (kb, Kb. ), Kilobyte (k. B, KB. ) Mega M Megabit (Mb. ), Megabyte (MB. ) Giga G Gigabit (Gb. ), Gigabyte (GB. ) Tera T Terabit (Tb. ), Terabyte (TB. ) Peta P
คำนำหนาหนวยวด มาตรฐาน SI-Prefix (International System of Units) (Système International d’Unités) 1000 n 1000− 1/3 1000− 2/3 1000− 1 1000− 2 1000− 3 1000− 4 1000− 5 1000− 6 1000− 7 10− 1 10− 2 10− 3 10− 6 10− 9 10− 12 10− 15 10− 18 10− 21 คำยอ decicentimillimicronanopicofemtoattozepto- ตวย ฐานสบตามแบบ SI-Prefix อ d c m µ n p f a z 0. 1 0. 001 0. 000 000 000 000 001 0. 000 000 000 001
เลขยกกำลงของสอง 0 2 = 1 7 2 = 128 7 2 = 128 21 = 2 2 2 = 4 3 2 = 8 4 2 = 16 5 2 = 32 6 2 = 64 28 = 256 29 = 512 10 2 = 1, 024 11 2 = 2, 048 12 2 = 4, 096 13 2 = 8, 192 28 = 256 29 = 512 10 2 =K=1, 024 15 2 = 32, 768 20 2 =M=1, 048, 576 30 2 =G=1, 073, 741, 824 42
คำนำหนาหนวยวด มาตรฐาน IEC-60027 -1999 (International Electrotechnical Commission) ชอ kibi mebi gibi tebi pebi exbi zebi ตวย อ Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei Zi ฐานสอง ฐานสบหก 210 162. 5 220 165 230 167. 5 240 1610 250 1612. 5 260 1615 270 1617. 5 20 ฐานสบ 40016 10 000016 4 000016 100 000016 4 000016 1000 000016 40 000016 = 1, 024 >103 = 1, 048, 576 >106 = 1, 073, 741, 824 >109 = 1, 099, 511, 627, 776 >1012 = 1, 125, 899, 906, 842, 624 >1015 = 1, 152, 921, 504, 606, 846, 976 >1018 = 1, 180, 591, 620, 717, 411, 303, 424 >1021 24
คำนำหนาหนวยวด คำนำหนา kilo mega giga tera peta exa zetta หนวย - บต ตวยอ หนวย ไบต kibibit Kibit kibibyte mebibit Mibit mebibyte gibibit Gibit gibibyte tebibit Tibit tebibyte pebibit Pibit pebibyte exbibit Eibit exbibyte zebibit Zibit zebibyte ตวยอ Ki. B. Mi. B. Gi. B. Ti. B. Pi. B. Ei. B. Zi. B.
To be continue Episode 3 Numbers Representation การแทนขอมลตวเลข
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- Computer organisation and architecture
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