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Presentation Outline 1. Purpose 2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase; 3.

Presentation Outline 1. Purpose 2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase; 3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan; 4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA) 5. Conclusion

1. Purpose • To mediate the amendments of the trimmed and reorganised 2020 Annual

1. Purpose • To mediate the amendments of the trimmed and reorganised 2020 Annual Teaching Plan including School Based Assessment for Electrical Technology: Digital Electronics, Electronics and Power Systems Grade 10 -12 for implementation in June 2020 as stipulated in Circular S 2 of 2020. • To ensure that meaningful teaching proceeds during the remaining teaching time as per the revised school calendar. • To assist teachers with guided pacing and sequencing of curriculum content and assessment.

1. Purpose (continued) • To enable teachers to cover the essential core content /skills

1. Purpose (continued) • To enable teachers to cover the essential core content /skills in each grade within the available time. • To assist teachers with planning for the different forms of assessment. • To ensure learners are adequately prepared for the subsequent year/s in terms of content, skills, knowledge, attitudes and values



2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities, Introducing the OHS Act, Workshop Rules & Machinery Regulations Procedures and Electrical Machinery Regulations Occupational Health and Safety The consequences of the OHS Act, risk assessment, human rights in the workplace, work ethics and emergencies Tools and measuring instruments Tools and how to use them Semiconductor Devices Introduction of Integrated Circuits The 741 Op-amp The 555 Timer Tools and measuring instruments Measuring instruments and how to use them

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Basic Principles of Electricity Introduction of electricity as the core of the subject Waveforms Switching Circuits Introduction of waveforms, Electronic Switching pulse technique and wave Circuits using the 555 shaping as an approach Timer and 741 Op-Amp to electronics Power Sources RLC Digital and Sequential Basic power sources such The effect of AC on Series Devices Decoders and as the battery and how RLC Circuit encoders, principles of they operate combinational circuits without memory, principles of memory elements, counters and registers

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Electronic

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Electronic Components Semiconductor Devices Basic electronic Introduction of components and how they components and solid operate state devices Logics Boolean Logic and basic Logic gates with their applications Logics Boolean Logic, Karnaugh Maps, Logic Probes, RTL, TTL and Logic ICs Grade 12 Microcontrollers History of Microcontrollers, Hardware, Software and PICAXE using Logicator as an approach to programming PICS

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Communication

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Communication Systems Basic communication principles, antenna systems and modulation Power Supplies Principles of Magnetism Principles of magnetism and the relevant laws Sensors and Transducers Sensors and transducers as the interface between real world conditions and electronic circuitry Grade 12

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Communication Systems No amendments Content Reorganised to be completed within the time frames allocated

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Communication Systems No amendments Content Reorganised to be completed within the time frames allocated Communication Systems Tuned Circuits, Transmitters and Receivers and their basic principles of operation

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

Summary: Reorganisation of content topics. Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Summary: Reorganisation of content topics. Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Microcontrollers Electronic Components Semiconductors Logics Power Supplies Sensors and Transducers REFER TO ANNUAL TEACHING PLAN FOR THE CHANGES

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE 10 Communication Systems Grade 11 Communication systems Amendment Removed Ammendment

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE 10 Communication Systems Grade 11 Communication systems Amendment Removed Ammendment Removed

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Assignment = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Test = 15% (50 marks) Final Exam = 50% (200 marks) Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Test = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Trial Exam = 15% (200 marks) Term 4 Final Exam = 50% (200 marks)

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 Topic Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Marks +/-

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 Topic Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Marks +/- 4 Occupational Health and Safety Tools and measuring instruments 5% 12. 5% 10 25 Basic Principles of Electricity Power Sources Electronic Components Logics Principles of Magnetism Communication Systems 20% 12. 5 15% 20% 15% 0% 100% 40 25 30 40 30 0 200 Marks Total

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Topic Grade 11 (Revised) Percentage Marks +/-

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Topic Grade 11 (Revised) Percentage Marks +/- 4 Occupational Health and Safety Tools and measuring instruments Logics Waveforms RLC Semiconductor Devices Power Supplies Sensors and Transducers Communication Systems Total 5% 5% 20% 15% 22. 5% 10% 15% 0% 10 10 40 30 30 45 20 15 0 200 Marks

Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Topic Occupational Health and Safety Switching Circuits

Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Topic Occupational Health and Safety Switching Circuits Semiconductor Devices Digital and Sequential Devices Microcontrollers Total Grade 12 Prep (Revised) Percentage Marks +/- 4 5% 10 27. 5% 55 20% 40 100% 200 Marks

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1: 2 simulations = 12% Term 2: 1 simulation = 6% Term 3: The theoretical part of Project Part 1 & 2 excluding the manufacturing part = 7%



2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities, Introducing the OHS Act, Workshop Rules & Machinery Regulations Procedures and Electrical Machinery Regulations Occupational Health and Safety The consequences of the OHS Act, risk assessment, human rights in the workplace, work ethics and emergencies Tools and measuring instruments Tools and how to use them RLC Tools and measuring instruments Measuring instruments and how to use them

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Basic Principles of Electricity Waveforms Semiconductor Devices Power Sources RLC Introduction of waveforms, Introduction to the FET, Introduction of electricity pulse technique and wave UJT, as the core of the subject shaping as an approach Darlington, 741 Op-Amp to electronics and 555 Timer Switching Circuits Basic power sources such The effect of AC on Series Electronic Switching as the battery and how RLC Circuits using the 555 they operate Timer and 741 Op-Amp

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Electronic Components Semiconductor Devices Amplifiers Basic electronic components and how they operate Logics Principle of operation and Introduction of application of discrete components and component amplifiers and solid state devices oscillators Power Supplies Boolean Logic and basic Logic Principle of gates with their application operation of linear power supplies, series and shunt using regulation

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Communication

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Communication Systems Basic Communication principles antenna systems and modulation Principles of Magnetism Amplifiers Principles ofoperation and application of transsitor amplifier Sensors and Transducers Principles of magnetism and the relevant laws Sensors and transducers as the interface between real world conditions and electronic circuitry Grade 12

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Communication Systems Tuned circuits. Transmitters and Receivers and their basic principles of operation

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Logics Communications No amendments Content Reorganised to be completed within the time frames allocated

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

Summary: Re-organisation of content topics Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Power Sources Electronic Components

Summary: Re-organisation of content topics Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Power Sources Electronic Components Grade 11 Grade 12 Semiconductors Switching Circuits Power Supplies Ampllifiers Communication Systems Amplifiers Principles Of Magnetism Sensors & Transducers REFER TO ANNUAL TEACHING PLAN FOR THE CHANGES

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE Amendment Grade 10 : Logics Removed Grade 11: Communication Systems

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE Amendment Grade 10 : Logics Removed Grade 11: Communication Systems Removed

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Assignment = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Test = 15% (50 marks) Final Exam = 50% (200 marks) Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Test = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Trial Exam = 15% (200 marks) Final Exam = 50% (200 marks)

Topic Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health and Safety

Topic Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health and Safety Tools and measuring instruments Basic Principles of Electricity Power Sources Electronic Components Communication Systems Principles of Magnetism Total 5% 12, 5% 20% 12, 5% 15% 20% 15% 100% Marks +/- 4 10 25 40 25 30 40 30 200 Marks

Topic Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Occupational Health and Safety Tools and

Topic Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Occupational Health and Safety Tools and measuring instruments Grade 11 (Revised) Percentage Marks +/- 4 5% 10 Waveforms RLC Semiconductor Devices Power Supplies 15% 22. 5% 10% 30 45 20 Sensors and Transducers Amplifiers Total 7. 5% 20% 100% 15 40 200 Marks

Topic Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Occupational Health and Safety Grade 12

Topic Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Occupational Health and Safety Grade 12 Prep exam) Percentage Marks +/- 4 5% 10 RLC Semiconductor Devices Switching Circuits Amplifiers Total 25% 10% 30% 100% 50 20 60 60 200 Marks

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1: 2 simulations = 12% Term 2: 1 simulation = 6% Term 3: The theoretical part of Project Part 1 & 2 excluding the manufacturing part = 7%



Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities, Introducing the OHS Act, Workshop Rules & Machinery Regulations Procedures and Electrical Machinery Regulations Occupational Health and Safety The consequences of the OHS Act, risk assessment, human rights in the workplace, work ethics and emergencies Tools and measuring instruments Tools and how to use them RLC Tools and measuring instruments Measuring instruments and how to use them

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Basic Principles of Electricity DC Machines Three Phase AC Generation Introducing of DC Introduction of electricity machines, their as the core of the subject construction and operating principles Power Sources Power in three phase systems, measurement and calculations Single Phase AC Basic power sources such Generation Three Phase Transformers as the battery and how they operate Principles of operation, calculations and application How electricity is generated

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Electronic Components Single-phase Transformers Three Phase Motors & Starters Basic electronic components and how they operate Domestic Installations Induction, the Principle of operation, testing operation of and commissioning and transformers and starters types of transformers Control Devices Motor Control and Programmable Logic Control

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Single

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Grade 11 Single Phase Motors The Universal Motor, spit phase motor and their application Power Supplies DC Power supplies, Semiconductors, the Zener Diode, rectification and regulating voltage using a transistor Grade 12

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Power sources Electronic

Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Grade 10 Power sources Electronic components Grade 11 Control Devices Grade 12 No amendments Content Reorganised to be completed within the time frames allocated

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan

Summary: Re-organisation of content topics Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Summary: Re-organisation of content topics Term 2 -4 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 RLC PLC Domestic Installations Single Phase Motors REFER TO ANNUAL TEACHING PLAN FOR THE CHANGES

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE 10 Amendment Power sources Removed Electronic Components The Capacitor content

Summary: Content/Topics Amended GRADE 10 Amendment Power sources Removed Electronic Components The Capacitor content Removed

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term

Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 10 & 11 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Assignment = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Test = 15% (50 marks) Final Exam = 50% (200 marks) Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Grade 12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Test = 10% (50 marks) 1 Exam = Cancelled 1 Trial Exam = 15% (200 marks) Final Exam = 50% (200 marks)

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 Topic Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 10 Topic Grade 10 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health and Safety 5% Marks +/- 4 10 Tools and measuring instruments Basic Principles of Electricity 12, 5% 25 20% 40 15% 32. 5% 100% 30 65 30 200 Marks Power Sources Electronic Components Domestic Installations Principles of Magnetism Total

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Topic Grade 11 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health

Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure Grade 11 Topic Grade 11 (Revised) Percentage Occupational Health and Safety Tools and measuring instruments DC Machines Single Phase AC Generations Single Phase Transformers RLC Control Devices Single Phase Motors Power Suppliers Total 5% 12. 5% 15% 5% 20% 100% Marks +/- 4 10 10 25 25 30 30 10 40 20 200 Marks

Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Topic Occupational Health and Safety RLC Three

Summary: Revision Prep Examination Structure Grade 12 Topic Occupational Health and Safety RLC Three Phase Generation Three Phase Transformers Motors and controls Programmable Logic Controllers Total Grade 12 Prep (Revised) Percentage Marks +/- 4 5% 10 25% 50 20% 40 15% 30 100% 200 Marks

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term

Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Grade 10 -12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1: 2 simulations = 12% Term 2: 1 simulation = 6% Term 3: The theoretical part of Project Part 1 & 2 excluding the manufacturing part = 7%

Contact Details Name: CES: Subjects Electrical Technology Subjects Department of Basic Education Tel: Email:

Contact Details Name: CES: Subjects Electrical Technology Subjects Department of Basic Education Tel: Email: