- Slides: 28
Presentation Outline 1. Purpose 2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase; 3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan; 4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA) 5. Conclusion
1. Purpose • To mediate the amendments of the trimmed and re-organised 2020 Annual Teaching Plan including School Based Assessment for Design, Grade 11 for implementation in June 2020 as stipulated in Circular S 2 of 2020. • To ensure that meaningful teaching proceeds during the remaining teaching time as per the revised school calendar. • To assist teachers with guided pacing and sequencing of curriculum content and assessment.
1. Purpose (continued) • To enable teachers to cover the essential core content /skills in each grade within the available time. • To assist teachers with planning for the different forms of assessment. • To ensure learners are adequately prepared for the subsequent year/s in terms of content, skills, knowledge, attitudes and values
2. Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase
Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Gr 10 Gr 11 Gr 12 Topic 1: (PROSESS BOOK) Cyclical Development of knowledge on the Design process and factors influencing the process and Design in a business context (research) Topic 1: (PROSESS BOOK) Cyclical Development of an understanding of the interrelated nature of the Design process and factors influencing the process and Design in a business context (research) Topic 1: (PROSESS BOOK) Demonstrate a sound understanding of the interrelated nature of the planning, action and reflection cycle that informs the Design process and factors influencing the process and Design in a business context (research) – no content amendments
Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Gr 10 Gr 11 Gr 12 Topic 2: (PRODUCT) Design production, time management and safe practice Cyclical process of developing basic skills, competence in material and of techniques and techniques chosen to make a functional, aesthetic, final product, service or environment design, which present and communicate the design solution. Developing good time management in own Design process – no content amendments Cyclical process of developing competent skills, in material and of techniques and techniques chosen to make a functional, aesthetic, final product, service or environment design, which present and communicate the design solution. Developing good time management in own Design process – no content amendments Cyclical process of developing advance competent skills, in material and of techniques and techniques chosen to make a functional, aesthetic, final product, service or environment design, which present and effectively communicate the design solution. Developing good time management in own Design process – no content amendments
Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Gr 10 Gr 11 Gr 12 Topic 3: (DESIGN THEORY) • history of design Introduction to visual communication: symbolic language (Will be done very basically for 2020 Gr. 10 and properly in Gr. 11 2021) because it is introductory for : History of typography in Gr. 11 • history of design Industrial Revolution and no content amendments the Arts and Crafts Movement (Could be omitted or done very basically for 2020 Gr. 11 and properly in Gr. 12 2021)
Summary: Amendments to the Content Overview for the Phase Gr 10 Gr 11 Gr 12 Topic 3: (DESIGN THEORY) • history of design Signs and symbols (Will be done very basically for 2020 Gr. 10 and properly in Gr. 11 2021) because it is introductory for : stereotyping, bias and prejudice in design in Gr. 11 Industrial Revolution and the Arts and Crafts Movement (Could be omitted or done very basically for 2020 Gr. 10 and properly in Gr. 11 2021) because it is introductory for studies on movements in Gr. 11 and 12 • history of design Art Nouveau, 1880 – 1905 The Bauhaus, 1900 – 1930 Art Deco, 1925 – 1939 Scandinavian design De Stijl The Modernist Age, 1935 – 1955 (Will be be done very basically for 2020 Gr. 11 and properly in Gr. 12 2021) because it is revised in Term , in Gr. 12 • history of design no content amendments
3. Amendments to the Annual Teaching Plan
Summary: Reorganisation of content topics • Topic 3: Term 2 - No midyear Theory examination, but formal test (set by teacher at school’s convenience) • Topic 2: Term 3 - will be used to complete the Product(s) of the Second Practical project (TASK 6 PRODUCT 2) which was started in term 2. • Topic 2: Term 4 – Only the finished products from the two practical projects completed during term 1 and 2 will be exhibited/presented for the retrospective exhibition (TASK 6/PAT). The purpose to market/promote the products (merchandising). • Topic 1: Term 3 - will be used to start working on Practical exam Paper 2 (Task 7. 2. 1) – Process AND the process and preparation for the retrospective exhibition (TASK 6/PAT) to market/promote the products (product 1 and product 2), (merchandising).
Summary: Reorganisation of content topics 2020 Post –Lockdown: National Revised ATP: Grade 11 – Term 2: Week 4 6 -10 July (5 days) CAPS Topics Practical & History of Design Bauhaus - Art Deco - Background, Influences, influences, characteristics, and workshops and one example from each of the 4 of the Design categories Topic, Concepts, Skills TASK 4: PRACTICAL PROCESS 2 – Topic 1. Preparation for product and Values 2 (Topic 2) of TASK 6 (PAT) Teacher decide on theme (Written brief) in the specialised practical option/ provide learners with a pacesetter and mini-deadlines. Business Context Task: Part of the process book (10 marks). Focus for module: career and tertiary opportunities in design TEACHING PROGRAMME TERM 2 (29 days) Week 1 15 - 19 June (4 days) Practical & History of Design Industrial Revolution/ Arts and Crafts (Revision of Grade 10) Week 2 22 - 26 June (5 days) Practical & History of Design Art Nouveau – Influences, characteristics and – one example from each of the 4 of the Design categories Week 3 29 June – 3 July (5 days) Practical & History of Design Week 5 13 -17 July (5 days) Practical & History of Design Consolidation Week 6 20 -24 July (5 days) Internal THEORY TEST (Topic 3) TOTAL: 50 Notes on or guidelines for test: Cognitive levels: Lower order = 30%, Middle order = 40, Higher order = 30% TASK 6 (PAT): Paper should include: PRODUCT 2 – Topic 2 Design literacy questions The product will be Design History - Essays and assessed (100 marks), comparisons but will not be a part Design in Social and environmental / sustainable of the term mark. It issues will be part of the continuous assessment of TASK 6: PAT (25%)
Summary: Reorganisation of content topics 2020 Post –Lockdown: National Revised ATP: Grade 11 – Term 3: TERM 3 (37 days) CAPS TEACHING PROGRAMME Topics Topic, Concepts, Skills And Values Week 1 03 - 07 Aug (5 days) Week 2 11 - 14 Aug (4 days) Practical & History of Design De Stijl -– Influences, characteristi cs Practical & History of Design De Stijl -– one example from each of the 4 of the Design categories Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 17 - 21 Aug 27 - 31 July 24 - 28 Aug (5 days) Practical & History of Design Modernism - Modernism Influences, - one characteristi example cs from each of the 4 of the Design categories TASK 6 (PAT): PRODUCT 2 – Topic 2 The product will be assessed (100 marks), but will not be a part of the term mark. It will be part of the continuous assessment of TASK 6: PAT (25%) Practical & History of Design Scandinavia n Design - Influences, characterist ics Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 31 Aug – 4 7 – 11 Sept 14 – 18 Sept (5 days) Practical & History of History & Design literacy Scandinavian Popular Consolidation Design -one Culture – example overview, from each of subcultures, the 4 of the revival and Design cat. retro trends. Start with investigation of popular culture TASK 7. 2. 1: END-OF-YEAR PRACTICAL EXAMINATION - PAPER 2 - PROCESS – Topic 1 50 marks. (not part of term mark). Preparation for product of Final examination Teacher decide on theme (Written brief) in the specialised practical option/ provide learners with a pacesetter and mini-deadlines. TASK 6 (PAT exhibition): Process Learners have the opportunity to further develop and extend their practical work into a cohesive and holistic body of work e. g. product/s that further extend (not part of term mark) Week 9 21 – 23 Sept (5 days) Internal Test TASK 5 : THEORY TEST (Topic 3) TOTAL: 50 Paper should include: Design literacy questions Design History Essays and comparisons Design in a Social/environme ntal context questions
Summary: Reorganisation of content topics TERM 4 (38 days) TEACHING PROGRAMME CAPS Topics Topic, concept s, skills and values 2020 Post –Lockdown: National Revised ATP: Grade 11 – Term 4: Week 1 28 Sept – 02 Oct (5 days) Week 2 5 - 9 Oct (5 days) Week 3 12 -16 Oct (5 days) Week 4 19 - 23 Oct (5 days) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 26 -30 Oct 02 -06 Nov 9 -13 Nov 8 9 10 11 (5 days) 16 - 20 23 -27 30 Nov 7 – 9 Nov – 4 Dec (5 (5 (3 days) PRACTICAL & DESIGN IN PRACTICAL & HISTORY DESIGN A SOCIAL/ DESIGN IN A OF DESIGN LITERACY: LITERACY ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL/ Internal Examinations CONTEXT ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENT CONTEXT TAL CONTEXT Choose ONE of the Choose ONE of (Revision): (Revision) TASK 7. 1: THEORY contemporary the Design Communic Comparis EXAMINATION: PAPER 1 international designers international contemporary movements ation on Theory (Total: 100) from the list below who designers from the international studied through between consider socio-cultural list below who designers from (Grade 10 – Design classical Notes on or guidelines for issues in design – 1 consider sociothe list below 12). (symbols and final examinations: product cultural issues in who consider Characteris etc. ), visual contempo design – 1 product environmental tics, analysis rary Cognitive levels: Lower order and sustainable historical (elements design. = 30%, Middle order = 40, issues in design context, and Higher order = 30% – 1 product influences, principles Contemporary International designers: Julie Bargmann, Roy Mc. Makin, Bruce designers of design), Paper should include: Licher, Cannondale Corporation, Adriana Bertini, Jonathan Bambrook, Lucy and Design literacy Orta, Walter Wood and Victor Papaneck, among others. products terminolog questions y, popular Short essays culture Comparisons TASK 7. 2. 2: (END-OF-YEAR PRACTICAL EXAMINATION) - PAPER 2 - PRODUCT - Topic 2 50 marks. (24 hours) - 4 days (6 hours – 3 hrs morning session, 3 hrs afternoon session OR 6 days (4 hours per day – afternoon sessions) / SMT and Design teacher organise 24 hours formal time for Practical Paper 2 (Topic 2) to be completed by mid-Nov. TASK 6 (PAT exhibition) / Recommend: a day on time table for exhibition
New SBA requirements Summary: Amendment to the weighting of content topics GRADE 11 amended weighing of content topics SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT (Internal) 25% Pre lockdown TERM 1 Post Lockdown TERM 2 Post Lockdown TERM 3 Topic 3 TASK 1 THEORY TEST 50 Marks 16. 7% TASK 3 THEORY Test 50 Marks TASK 5 Topic 1 TASK 2 PRACTICAL PROCESS 1 100 Marks 25% TASK 4 PRACTICAL PROCESS 2 100 Marks 25% TERM MARK: 150 16. 6% THEORY TEST 50 Marks 16, 7% TERM MARK: 50 150 Marks + 50 Marks= 350 converted to 100 Marks (SBA)
Summary: Amendment to the weighting of content topics • Topic 3: Term 2 - No midyear Theory examination, but formal test (set by teacher at school’s convenience).
Summary: Content/Topics Amended Content /Topics Topic 3: Design theory Term 2 2 Amendment Formal test in Term 2 replace June Mid-year examination history of design Industrial Revolution and the Arts and Crafts Movement (Will be done very basically for 2020 Gr. 11 and properly again in Gr. 12 2021)
Summary: Content/Topics Amended Content /Topics Term Amendment history of design Topic 3: Design theory 2 & 3 Art Nouveau, 1880 – 1905 The Bauhaus, 1900 – 1930 Art Deco, 1925 – 1939 Scandinavian design De Stijl The Modernist Age, 1935 – 1955 (Will be done very basically for 2020 Gr. 11 and properly in Gr. 12 2021) because it is revised in Term 1 in Gr. 12
4. Amendments School Based Assessment (SBA)
Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment TERM 1 TERM 2 TASK 1 THEORY TEST 50 Marks TASK 3 THEORY TEST 50 Marks TASK 2 DESIGN PROCESS Topic 1 100 Marks TASK 4 DESIGN PROCESS Topic 1 100 Marks Term total 150 (NO TASK 3: JUNE THEORY EXAMINATION) – RECOMMEND THE WRITING OF A TEST INSTEAD TERM 3 TERM 4 TASK 5 THEORY TEST 50 Marks Term total 50 SBA = Total 350 reworked to 100
Summary: Revised Programme of Assessment Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 TASK 1 THEORY TEST 50 Marks TASK 3 THEORY Test 50 Marks TASK 5 THEORY Test 50 Marks TASK 7. 1 END-OF-YEAR EXAM P 1. THEORY EXAM (Internally assessed) 100 Marks TASK 2 PRACTICAL PROCESS 1 (Topic 1) 100 Marks TASK 4 PRACTICAL PROCESS 2 (Topic 1) 100 Marks TASK 7. 2. 1 END-OF-YEAR EXAM P 2 PROCESS (Internally assessed in Term 4) 50 TASK 7. 2. 2 END-OF-YEAR EXAM P 2 PRODUCT (Internally assessed) 50 TASK 6 PRODUCT 1 (Topic 2) 100 Marks TASK 6 PRODUCT 2 (Topic 2) 100 Marks TERM MARK: 150 50 150 Marks + 50 Marks= 350 converted to 100 Marks (SBA) TASK 6 PAT: EXHIBITION Process & exhibition (Internally assessed) (100) 100 Marks (PAT) + 200 Marks (EXAM) END-OF-YEAR EXAM 300 100 Marks (SBA) + 100 Marks (PAT) + 200 Marks (EXAM) = 400 TOTAL Marks
Summary: Revision Final Examination Structure The whole curriculum must be covered to comply with the NCS examination requirements and standardisation. At the end of Grade 11 Design learners will still be marked as follow: Paper 1 Theory examination 100 (externally set by DBE) Paper 2 Practical examination 100 (externally set by DBE) Retrospective (PAT) exhibition 100 SBA 100 Total: 400
Summary: Revised Practical Assessment Task (PAT) • The Product(s) (Topic 2) from the two Practical tasks are compulsory. • Due to the circumstances, the exhibition need only to consist of the finished products (Topic 2) from the two practical projects completed during term 1 to term 2, innovatively presented with the purpose to market/promote the products (merchandising) / present new sustainable ideas / solution to a identified problem. Learners must concentrate on / demonstrate their entrepreneurial skill. • Due to the cut in the number of school days, Term 3 can be used to continue and complete Product 2.
Assessment of PAT • As assessment is a holistic mark of 100, no changes to assessment tools/rubrics. • The proses book/s, although already assessed, must be displayed to demonstrate the, development to the final Product/s. • As the nature of the subject is creativity and self-expression, learners may not be boxed in by the minimum requirements, but exhibit/show more works
Assessment of PAT … continue • Due to specific circumstances of this year and the importance of social distancing, the retrospective exhibition need not be a physical exhibition, but can take the form of a; – Designer's pitch when presenting his/her work to prospective clients, with a short video (by the use of cellphone). The video clip may include Power. Point slides and should feature the promotion of products (PAT 1 and PAT 2). – Power. Point presentation – Product Demo video – Advert or Promotion video – Window display / In store display (innovatively set up/staged to promote the products and then photographed. – Online portfolio – Catalogue – Expo stall / fashion show (staged/ display/ photographed / video recorded) – Interpretive exhibition (a display which engages the viewer in a visual or physical conversation through the use of elements such as text, objects, videos or interactive display). • Presenting new sustainable ideas and non-commercial solutions in an innovative way / innovatively present a proposed solution to a problem that has been identified
4. Conclusion
Conclusion • IMPORTANT NOTES TO THE GRADE 10 & 11 DESIGN TEACHER • See that social distancing are followed at all times in the design class. This would include e. g. when cleaning equipment, using tools in certain disciplines, putting up exhibition, Paper 2 examination, etc. • With the removal of the mid-year examination, a Formal test is included in the second term as part of SBA assessment. This tests should cover the Term 2 Topic 3 content.
Contact Details Phil Manana CES: Arts Subjects Department of Basic Education Tel: 012 357 4191 Email: Manana. P@dbe. gov. za
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