2019 Strategic Planning Offsite August 27 2018 Agenda

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2019 Strategic Planning Offsite August 27, 2018

2019 Strategic Planning Offsite August 27, 2018

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 2


THE MERIT AWARD IS MADE UP OF DEDICATED AND PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE COMMITTED TO ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO SUCCEED. OUR VISION q To be a leading contributor of recognition and financial awards to senior secondary school students in high needs Greater Toronto Area schools, by providing: q incentives to youth of all abilities to pursue advancement through education; q incentives to youth to contribute to their community; and q a powerful motivational tool which can be employed by educators and parents. OUR MISSION q Inspiring and providing financial support for youth to pursue higher education and contribute to the community. 3

Our Guiding Principles Concentrate on the students and what their realities are – significant

Our Guiding Principles Concentrate on the students and what their realities are – significant personal challenges and the increasing need for higher education. Keep reminding us – why does the Merit Award exist? Ensure we build a strong foundation on existing initiatives before we launch any new projects. Ensure we build strong governance, business processes and financials before we invest in other initiatives. To launch new projects, each project needs to undergo a resource assessment to ensure that the support is provided to drive success. Board is currently an operational board as well as a policy board. Building the right talent base both on the board and the core teams. Commitment to accountability and follow through. 4

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 5

Our Track Record 23 Years Helping Students 7, 131 Applications Received 2, 347 Students

Our Track Record 23 Years Helping Students 7, 131 Applications Received 2, 347 Students Awarded Bursaries Totaling $1, 534, 750 33% of Applicants Granted Bursaries 6

Our 2017 -’ 18 Successes q 625 applicants q 173 bursary recipients 39 recipients

Our 2017 -’ 18 Successes q 625 applicants q 173 bursary recipients 39 recipients of $500 Ø 117 recipients of $750 Ø 15 recipients of $2, 000 Ø 2 recipients of $5, 000 Ø q $141, 250 in Merit Awards q 21 computers distributed 7

Fundraising – Jeff, Peggy & Alaina 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q q 6 th

Fundraising – Jeff, Peggy & Alaina 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q q 6 th year of Bowling for Bursaries = $40 K net raised, 8 returning teams record sponsorship Established pipeline and expanded submission for foundations funding 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus 1. Increase donor touchpoints and tracking with priority to key donors 2. Develop and implement a High network individual donor strategy 3. Execute annual bowling event with the goal to reset the leadership team and or secure new event to replace bowling in 2019 q Increase in individual donors including a multi year commitment for leaders of tomorrow awards q Expanded support by Cadillac Fairivew corporate and local (Sherway Gardens) 4. Brand Marketing - Messaging & persona refresh (materials, pitch play book content) q Continued multi year support by foundations (Catherine & Maxwell Meaghen Foundation) 5. Implement financial institutions, professional services engagement strategy 6. Increase foundation funding 8

Communications 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q q Created social media footprint in Facebook and

Communications 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q q Created social media footprint in Facebook and Instagram, which increased stakeholder communication frequency Updated the Web Site “look and feel” and content Developed role descriptions for recruiting volunteers and onboarded amazing volunteers Created award recipient testimonials that can be leveraged for fundraising, web site, social media – Debra & Inge 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus q Continue to leverage social media for alumni, students, donors, schools q Leverage video footage for web site and donor communication q Link more closely with school outreach to leverage social media q Increase PR presence as is possible, with awards ceremony as first priority 9

School Outreach – Ron, Kathy & Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments 2018 -’ 19

School Outreach – Ron, Kathy & Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus q Seamless coordination of school visits q Initiated school visits earlier in school year 1. Increase committee volunteers to support and maintain success of previous year, focusing on school visit volunteers q Visited 91% of schools q Maintained a high number of completed applications q Rapid response time to school and student inquiries 2. Ensure the application software allows School Contacts to access and track their students’ progress throughout the application process 3. Build stronger relationships with school board representatives, which will include hosting a board wide information session for all participating schools to attend 4. Determine what alternative schools should be participating and determine how to best contact and coordinate with them 10

Alumni Outreach 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments ❑ High engagement and activation with alumni ❑

Alumni Outreach 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments ❑ High engagement and activation with alumni ❑ Analyzed results from alumni survey ❑ 3 rd alumni networking event; great speakers and turnout ❑ Launch of pilot mentorship program ❑ More alumni outreach, generating more volunteers = record number of volunteers – Annie & Nelson 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus 1. Continue alumni outreach & engagement; generate further volunteers for new Volunteer Coordination Committee 2. Board to increase utilization of alumni volunteers, set out in role descriptions 3. Review report from pilot mentorship program and launch next phase 4. 2019 alumni survey 11

Governance & Administration 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q Reduced the application load of selection

Governance & Administration 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q Reduced the application load of selection committee members q Highest number of selection committees and volunteers q q q Successful records keeping and audit Implemented new Leader of Tomorrow award Maintenance of policies and procedures and adhered to them – Brian 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus 1. Board assessment to define needs, including determination of renewal and growth required to support Merit 2. Investigate succession planning 3. Evaluate operating vs. policy board approach 4. Define committee mandates and support required 5. Maintenance of policies and procedures and adherence to them 12

Event Management – Tabitha & Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments 2018 -’ 19 Areas

Event Management – Tabitha & Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus q Hosted 6 th Annual Bowling for Bursaries q Successfully collaborated with event management team (Brightworks) to support annual bowling fundraiser 1. Implement team leads for each event to oversee all aspects and report to chair q 2. Define volunteer roles prior to events to recruit skill specific candidates Increased volunteer base and increased utilization of volunteers at events 13

Operations – Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q Enhanced team coordination among board members

Operations – Sarah 2017 -’ 18 Accomplishments q Enhanced team coordination among board members and volunteers q Enhanced planning of activities q Increased recruitment of volunteers q Continued data collection for reporting - 2018 Recipient Demographic Survey q Increased number of Foundation applications submitted q Administrative duties all transitioned to the Director of Operations q Implemented Board meeting document access strategy q Website and application improvements, updates and maintenance 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus 1. Boost stakeholder engagement 2. Support recruitment of committee teams 3. Enhance planned events – AGM, awards, alumni, bowling(? ) 4. Improve document storage and access 5. Maintain up-to-date website and application site - updates and upkeep 14

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 15

Individual Donors (Jeff & Sabina) Current Situation: q Approx. 20% over past 5 years,

Individual Donors (Jeff & Sabina) Current Situation: q Approx. 20% over past 5 years, has grown, but primarily from 2 new donors (Wendy Reed Foundation & single anonymous donor) q From approx. 20 key donors q Primarily from and of year ask of friends, family & acquaintances of Brian Potential Opportunities - See Individual tab of Fundraising Spreadsheet for details: 1. Annual ask: (low effort, TBD return) a. Selection Committee members immediately after reviewing applications b. Alumni for personal donations &/or campaign for funds c. Repeat donors & 5 -year commitment & recognition strategy d. Board members 2. Create an online donation mechanism for board members and volunteers to send out to their contacts to raise funds ‘easily’. Can be targeted to year end campaigns or wrapped around a personal “event” such as a board members birthday (in lieu of gift please make a donation) 3. Create Leadership Giving Committee (e. g. , Wendy Reid) to lead a ‘key’/’larger’ donor base/program; provide recognition (e. g. , donors night, website recognition); ask Board members for contacts 16

Individual Donors (Jeff & Sabina) What’s Needed to Execute: 1. Annual Ask & Online

Individual Donors (Jeff & Sabina) What’s Needed to Execute: 1. Annual Ask & Online Solutions: This program can be templated and designed so that it can be driven by “head” office or easily executed by board members and or other volunteers of Merit q Templated campaign materials to support targeted “asks’ e. g. post selection committee reviews, year end holiday donations, individual event “asks” such as donate in lieu of gift q Process to easily link to and make a payment (review the payments process and determine if there is a better way to streamline the process) q Need a resource that can work with Sarah to design the program other support from communications in conjunction with marketing/value proposition key messaging 2. HNW Donor Strategy: This is a high touch activity that will need full support of the organization to provide and respond to donor opportunities in a timely manner. q Dedicated team that is “amazing” at making the “pitch” to individual donors q Program that incorporates experiential opportunities for donors to connect to the program q Require very clean donor matrix and value proposition pitch outline q Impressive materials to support donor “asks” (support collateral, web, other. . ) q Flexibility to customize based on a donor request q Excellence in operational support and delivery on commitments to donors q Board engagement: Need to identify individuals and networks that we can engage. All board members should be actively looking for and providing introductions to 17

Corporate Donors (Alaina) Current Situation: q Approx. 30% over past 5 years, has grown,

Corporate Donors (Alaina) Current Situation: q Approx. 30% over past 5 years, has grown, but primarily from CF q No multi-year commitments & limited recognition q TD is at risk, given no current TD employees on board &/or ‘cold’ contacts at TD q CF is at risk, given its past 3 year support Potential Opportunities - See Corporate tab of Fundraising Spreadsheet for details: Focus on preventative measures for risk mitigation of large corporate donors: 1. a. Provide greater recognition b. Try to strengthen existing relationships; put in extra effort vs. solicit new 2. Provide benefit/program for corporate donors, dependent on the company’s CSR strategy (e. g. , financial industry council, youth access for hiring) 3. Investigate (using volunteers to research) new corporate donors: 4. a. New & emerging companies, e. g. potentially smaller, new targets, i. e. , smaller FIs (credit unions) b. Corporations that have a youth &/or education philanthropy focus Create Corporate Leadership Giving Committee (e. g. , Faskens’ partners) to lead a ‘key’/’larger’ donor base/program (e. g. , client, corporate partner fundraising) 18

MERIT Target Sectors MONETARY DONORSHIP IN-KIND DONORSHIP With the promise of employment Training &

MERIT Target Sectors MONETARY DONORSHIP IN-KIND DONORSHIP With the promise of employment Training & Skills Acquisition Financial Sector Service Sector Retail Sector Technology Sector “Tier 1” – Larger banks like TD, RBC, and CIBC. “Tier 2” – Smaller FI’s like Libro Credit Union, Fin. Tech companies? “Tier 1” – Professional services like KPMG, EY, and major law firms. “Tier 2” – Smaller agency-style firms (needs personal approach) + CPA Industry Leads (gateway administration) “Tier 1” – Big-Box Retail Conglomerates like Wal-Mart / Large grocery market chains in the region. “Tier 2” – Local, popular shops in the medium-sized category. Ideal for creating direct ties with MERIT areas. “Tier 1” – Corporate tech companies in the area, ideal for $ and exposure due to their PR-friendly cultures. “Tier 2” – Digital skills training companies like Brainstation or Hacker. You, could help to augment the skills of MERIT candidates.

Event Fundraising (Peggy & Inge) Current Situation: q q q Approx. 25% over past

Event Fundraising (Peggy & Inge) Current Situation: q q q Approx. 25% over past 5 years; nets 64 -74% profit Sixth year of running Bowling event; many repeat teams Challenge of selling teams for Bowling event; fatigue of getting participating teams Potential Opportunities (Not Bowling) - See Events tab of Fundraising Spreadsheet for details: 1. 2. 3. Raffles: a. Few large gifts with limited tickets sold b. Wine: 30, 100, 300 bottles of wine; buy the wine and sell enough tickets to cover cost [Jeff to get details from Brian] c. Other raffles Host non-events: a. Bring a bottle of wine to event to introduce attendees to Merit (use wine for raffle) or have Board Members host small dinner parties to introduce people to Merit, have student attend and tell guests it will cost $100 to attend (which will be provided to Merit) b. Online crowd-funding event (e. g. , read-a-thon) Explore new events: a. Spin/ping-pong event, individual or pair sign-up; unsure of profitability. Could require mandated fundraising in order to participate ($100 individual registration, but $2000 fundraising) b. Create criteria for volunteer events, e. g. , if alumni want to hold an event, we have a set of criteria that they have to meet 20

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 21

Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach q q q q Move to a sub-committee based model, where

Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach q q q q Move to a sub-committee based model, where a Board member oversees a sub-committee (may lead it themselves or have a lead for the subcommittee not on the board) Have role expectations outlined for both the sub-committee leads and the Board member who oversees the sub-committee Sub-committee approach, to involve more volunteers doing more of the work with board member oversight, which will necessitate a more robust volunteer recruitment/vacancy-fulfillment process Need to upgrade volunteer recruitment/vacancy-fulfillment process Have sub-committee meetings outside of the monthly board meeting Move to less frequent board meetings over time, leveraging the subcommittee meetings for detailed work updates This will probably take 2 years to fully implement 22

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 23

Volunteer Coordination Placeholder; update to be provided by Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah 24

Volunteer Coordination Placeholder; update to be provided by Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah 24

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 25

Equity Bias Placeholder; update to be provided by Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim 26

Equity Bias Placeholder; update to be provided by Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim 26

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and

Agenda 5: 00 -5: 15 Review & Revisit Merit Vision & Mission Statements and Guiding Principles 5: 15 -6: 25 Celebrate our 2017 -’ 18 Successes & Agree Upon 2018 -’ 19 Areas of Focus (7 areas @ 10 minutes each) 6: 25 -7: 50 Update on Key Areas of Focus for This Year's Strategic Plan Fundraising: 40 minutes (Jeff, Peggy, Alaina, Ron, Sabina, Inge) 2. Board Membership/Sub-Committee Approach: 15 minutes (Brian, Debra & Sarah) 3. Volunteer Coordination: 15 minutes (Annie, Nelson, Brian, Sarah) 4. Equity Bias: 15 minutes (Brian, Sarah, Peggy & Tim) 1. 7: 50 -8: 00 Next Steps & Meeting Close 27

Next Steps We will agree on next steps and assign responsibilities at the meeting

Next Steps We will agree on next steps and assign responsibilities at the meeting Next Steps Responsibility 28