2018 NRS FIA Management Team Meeting Dashboards via
2018 NRS FIA Management Team Meeting Dashboards via Tableau December 11 -12, 2018 — Manhattan, Kansas By Scott Pugh �Tableau in USDA �Tableau in FIA �Next steps �Tableau dashboards �Other dashboards
Analytics For Everyone, Everywhere, Anytime @ USDA Mike Boyle – USDA Account Manager 540 -421 -1456 mboyle@tableau. com Bill Buttling - Solutions Consultant bbuttling@tableau. com
USDA enabling data-driven decision making with Tableau (Sept. 25, 2018) �One of USDA’s two Agency Priority Goals (APGs) for FY 18 -19 is to develop Chief Executive Officer (CXO) Dashboards, to integrate data from systems spanning 29 agencies and staff offices and provide the Department with enhanced capacity to collect accurate, reliable, complete, accessible, and consistent data. �Ted Kaouk, USDA’s Chief Data Officer, is implementing �USDA issued a three-year, $5 million (ceiling) award to provide a USDA-wide Tableau software, support, and training catalog �Read more at https: //www. tableau. com/about/blog/2018/9/usdaenabling-data-driven-decision-making-tableau-94194
CXO DASHBOARDS Providing USDA leaders instant access to key administrative data and enabling data-driven decisions. Facilitating Communication Increasing Data Access FY 18 DASHBOARD CONCEPT Improving Data Quality and Timeliness Optimizing Performance FY 18 DASHBOARD CONCEPT ‘Secretary's Dashboard’ Executive Summary Dashboard Office of the Chief Information Officer Office of the Chief Financial Officer Office of Human Resources Management Office of Contracting and Procurement Office of Property and Fleet Office of Operations Office of Homeland Security
Tableau in FIA �First dashboards developed in 2014 through spring 2015, then dev stopped �Development resumed from Dec. 2017 to present �Nearly 3, 200 views for NRS-FIA annual report for 2016 and 2017 �Nearly 1, 800 views of NRS-FIA annual report since Dec. 2017 �Nearly 900 views of Invasive Plant Species Forest Land Explorer – IPS of NRS -FIA since May 2017 �Reviewed alternative dashboard development platforms throughout most of 2017 (predominately Qlik and Microsoft Power BI) �Spring through summer 2018, pilot feasibility study of FIA Tableau Server �December 2018 purchased 10 Tableau Creator licenses (7 NRS, 2 SRS, 1 PNWRS). SRS also purchased at least two other licenses in 2018
Next Steps �Training sessions �More dashboards (exploratory and story telling) �A “portal entry” page to all the NRS dashboards �Integrate EVALIDator and other APIs �More licenses and developers? �USDA FIA public facing Tableau Server?
Tableau Dashboards � NRS-FIA https: //public. tableau. com/views/NRS-FIAAnnual. Report/Story 1? : show. Viz. Home=no � https: //public. tableau. com/views/IPSForest. Land. Explorer-Invasive. Plant. Speciesof. NRS -FIAC/Invasive. Plant. Species. Intro? : show. Viz. Home=no � NRS-FIA ESRI story maps and Tableau dashboards � https: //usfs. maps. arcgis. com/apps/Map. Journal/index. html? appid=4 ee 101255 c 02472 db efdfbc 643 ad 43 c 4# � Southern Research Station � https: //www. fs. usda. gov/srsfia/data_center/data_viz. shtml � https: //public. tableau. com/views/FIA_One. Click_V 1_2/State. Selection? : show. Viz. Home=no � … � � USDA Economic Research Service � https: //www. ers. usda. gov/data-products/data-visualizations/
Other Dashboards �Exploring status and trends in host volume and growth, removal, and mortality for 3 major pest invaders by Randy Morin � https: //usfs. maps. arcgis. com/apps/opsdashboard/index. html#/2 cd 34 d 01 697849 a 6 bae 7 fa 0522 e 5 ec 7 f � https: //usfs. maps. arcgis. com/apps/opsdashboard/index. html#/2 de 0 e 931 4 cea 46768 f 48 bff 807 c 6 bdf 0 � https: //usfs. maps. arcgis. com/apps/opsdashboard/index. html#/f 1 ad 8 d 0 e fbec 4 f 5 b 8 a 162789 d 5974 f 01 �…
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