2013 PM Power Care Customer Support Agreement for
- Slides: 35
2013 PM Power Care Customer Support Agreement for Low Voltage Products and Systems
Power Care, is an ABB multi divisional Service Customer Support Agreement concept: Power. Care rappresents the complete service offering defined by 5 Categories that rappresent the main Service areas. The aim of Power. Care is to find the best Service solution tailored made on customer’s needs. © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 2
Power Care Support contract suggestions for different customers Power distribution utility in heavily populated areas Industry with local power generation Industrial power consumers Power distribution or generation in remote places © ABB Month DD, YYYY | Slide 3
Power Care Support contract suggestions for different needs Customer operates process with big consequentinal damages or costs if stopped. Customer misses single place with up to date documentation for his electrical equipment. Different persons in his team are keeping their own documentation sets and IED configurations backups resulting in revision conflicts and time lost in investigation. © ABB Month DD, YYYY | Slide 4 Customer operates distribution system with huge penalties for the off time. Customer operates remote facility with minimum operating personnel and no maintenance personnel present full time. So far only corrective maintenance was done after failure detection, but customer would prefer condition monitoring and condition based preventive maintenance. Customer sees lack of skills to professionaly troubleshoot and maintein ABB equipment, irregular involvment in these activites and little confidence in actions taken. Customer utilizes a service provider for corrective and preventive maitenance and has job quality issues or spare parts origin issues.
Power Care What is Power Care Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skilled Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self. Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services ABB Service is divided into 5 main categories: 1. Skilled Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services Internal Docs For Each category there are up to 4 levels according to the complexity and the detail of the offering. © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 5
Power Care When Power Care can be applied Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skilled Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self. Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services Internal Docs © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 6 Power Care is a customer support agreement for LP products and it can involved: § Complete ABB Low Voltage systems § ABB Low Voltage Circuit Breakers § ABB Low Voltage Control Products
Power Care portal On-line gateway for your support on ABB electrification equipment © ABB Month DD, YYYY | Slide 7
Power Care Matrix Levels Service Areas Entry Level © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 8 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services
Power Care 1. Skill Development Services Levels Areas Level. 0 © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 9 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services. 0 Product Training List. 1 Product Training. 2 Application Training. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services Access to the comprehensive list of ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems trainings. The list is yearly updated and covers training courses on switchgear, breakers, protection relays and control products matching customers installed base. Benefits 1. 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services 2. 3. © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 10 Fast way to know which are the ABB Low Voltage Products and Systems available trainings: 1. Free of charge e-learnings and Webinars 2. Timetable of classroom training lessons The list is yearly updated with the intruduction to new training for evantual new products or for specific applications Customers can directly access to the Power. Care Portal
1. Skills Development Services 1. 1 Product trainings Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services. 0 Product Training List. 1 Product Training. 2 Application Training. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 11 According to customers installed base, ABB Low Voltage Products offers Service/Application e-learnings and Webinars include both theoretical aspects and practical actions by means of short videos. Benefits 1. Application Webinars: the fastest way to learn how to correctly use the product in a special application 2. Service Webinars: the easies way to understand the main steps for a correct manintenance activity on Low voltage products. 3. Webinars and e-learnings can be attended from any internet connection (only after registration) 4. Possibility to intereact with an expert at the end of the Webinar 5. All the material shown is available in a customer dedicated folder 6. Special prices (discount up to 20%) for classroom courses are available for Power. Care agreements Notes: Webinars: group course with a teacher on line. It must be scheduled. E-learnings: individual courses attended in any moment. Marketing tool: Brochure 1. 1
1. Skills Development Services 1. 2 Application Training Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services. 0 Product Training List. 1 Product Training. 2 Application Training. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 12 ABB organizes dedicated on site application trainings to let customer promptly handle emergency cases and carry the correct standard maintenance activity. It is defined a price per day Values for the customer: Expert(s) at customer place to teach how to: - React in case of problem Or Webinars on applications (advances MNSis lessons, advances communication lessons, segments lessons (wind, mining, etc…), other system integration. ) - Optimixe product functionality according to customer application Marketing tool: Brochure 1. 2
1. Skills Development Services 1. 3 Coaching Services Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services. 0 Product Training List. 1 Product Training. 2 Application Training. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 13 ABB manages customer’s personnel trainings (customer oriented courses to be implement in PCS 2) ABB Coaching Services help customer maintenance managers to set up a strategy for the maintenance personnel skills development. Customer personnel will be trained with ABB training courses to be able to promptly react in case of problem. Coaching Services programs are delivered on-the-job, at customer facility, where ABB Service representative works with the customer personnel through their typical daily routines to find the skills levels and gaps in the personnel skills. Price/Person/year Values for the customer: • Trained people always at custome site • Partenership with ABB • No need to care about customer personnel skilness as ABB manages it • Trained level easily monitored (i. e: MAN in PCS 2) Marketing tool: Brochure 1. 3
Power Care 2. Emergency Maintenance Services Levels Areas Level. 0 © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 14 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Simplified process for call-out support handling. There is a dedicated phone number, email address or web portal per each country. Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services. 0 Single Point of Contact. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 15 Values for the customer: 1. Fast reaction 2. Service account for customers 3. Discount on call-out services Marketing tool: Brochure 2. 0
2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services. 0 Single Point of Contact. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 16 Technical support is telephone service that provides technical support and consulting services for ABB Low Voltage products users with an agreed response time i. e. : - 8/5 - 8/7 - 24/5 - 24/7 Calling to the technical support line customer can raise a query for the ABB Low Voltage equipment installed in customer’s premises. Technical support will react to customer’s query within response time agreed in the contract. Values for the customer: 1. Tracking and dispatching into an warranted time 2. Technical support in case of equipment malfunction identification, troubleshooting action and remedy plans. 3. Discount on call-out services Marketing tool: Brochure 2. 1
2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 2 Call-out support with agreed response time Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services. 0 Single Point of Contact. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 17 Call-out support is telephone support service that provides access to ABB service technician on-site support for ABB Low Voltage products users. Calling to the call-out support line you can raise a request for ABB service technician urgent mobilization for on-site support on emergency troubleshooting of ABB equipment performance issue. On site response by ABB service technician will be provided within response time agreed in the contract. The call-out support can help with quick and efficient equipment malfunction identification and troubleshooting. Values for the customer: 1. On-site support within an agreeded time: 12 h/24 h/48 h 2. Expert at customer’s place 3. Emergency troubleshooting Marketing tool: Brochure 2. 2
2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment & Purchasing Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services. 0 Single Point of Contact. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. Self-Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 18 ABB Low Voltage Products suggests to previously buy some recommended spare parts. After an Audit we suggest recommended spare parts. Customer can: 1. Buy recommended spares with discount 2. Receive urgent spares with a fast delivery (12/24/48 h) 3. «Rent» spares with a fix fee and a cost for repacement. ABB supplies the spare parts to customer site and customer provides suitable storing facility for these spare parts. The spare parts are dedicated to emergency response actions on Customer installed base. Used spare parts are charged at discounted price after use on the customer’s equipment, unused spare parts stay ABB property and are replaced in reasonable period to avoid excessive shelf storing times. Values for the customer: 1. Urgent spare parts already on-site or fast delivery of it i. e. : 12 h/24 h/48 h 2. Optimized investment in the spare parts 3. Materials and experts available in a right time 4. Genuine spare parts Marketing tool: Brochure 2. 3
Power Care 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment Levels Areas Level. 0 © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 19 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Technical preliminary Survey 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 20 ABB provides preliminary survey tools (Light Assessment, LEAP Easy Audit accessible on the internet link) It is reccomended that an ABB Sales Engineer visits customer facility in order to complete the assessment and is documenting the installed equipment and visually assessing its condition. If it is not possible to collect all the info, customer can be involved in the completion. Values for the customer: Easy assessment of switchgears and breakers risk evaluation in order to determine a deeper on site analysis Marketing tool: Brochure 3. 0
3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessments Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Technical preliminary Survey 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 21 Asset condition and risk assessment service defines the status of health of ABB switchgears and/or ABB low voltage products installed in customer‘s plant. The analysis combines product/device status of health and its importance inside the plant. According to products risk profiles a clear list of recommended service activities is created Price is based on the n. of columns analized Values for the customer: 1. On. Site inspection 2. Maintenance recommendation according both to: • product/device status of health • its importance inside the plant 3. Optimization of maintenance investments and products efficacy Marketing tool: Brochure 3. 1
3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Technical preliminary Survey 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 22 Local Asset Monitoring service introduces a monitoring of low voltage products and systems status of health. This service represents the last piece in the puzzle of product preventive maintenance approach. This strategy, in the long term, allows reducing drastically the costs associated with maintenance and minimizing the occurrence of serious faults, thus optimizing the available economic resources management. Values for the customer: 1. Equipment Monitoring performed by product’s experts Marketing tool: Brochure 3. 2 2. Maintenance is carried out according to the product type: 1. Breakers : according to a signal (My. Site. Care) or predictive maintenance program elaborated by LEAP analysis 2. MNSi. S Switchgear, based on continuous monitoring as available with MService. 3. Softstarter. Care: based on analysis made with dedicated tool.
3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment Remote asset monitoring service adds remote supervision and ABB consulting services to Asset Monitoring service. It allows collect all the product and systems diagnostic information in one place, enables ABB experts to analyze the data and define the proper maintenance at the right time for each asset. Thanks to this regular condition monitoring, maintenance is planned only when it is required, reducing the need for purely schedule-based maintenance activities and guaranteeing high uptime and immediate response. 3. 0 Technical preliminary Survey 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 23 Values for the customer: 1. Status of health supervision from remote by MService and My. Remote. Care: Remotely keep track of device’s and monitor status changes. Immediate alarms 2. ABB advises customer anytime a maintenance activity needs to be performed according to the real needs Marketing tool: Brochure 3. 3
Power Care 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment Levels Areas Level. 0 © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 24 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
Self-Maintenance Services 4. 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 4. 0 Documentation of Installed Base & Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On-line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Self-maintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 25 This service offer includes compilation and yearly update of Life Cycle Status Report for the Low Voltage Equipment covered by the Support Agreement. The report is issued to the customer describing the Life Cycle Phase of each equipment from the customer‘s installed base, which is an important information for selection of a suitable maintenance strategy and spare parts supplies for the equipment. If it is not possible to collect all the info, customer can be involved in the completion. Values for the customer: 1. Knowledge of the equipment revision status 2. Definition of correct resources and parts available to implement upgrades 3. Assists with the development of life cycle planning and budgeting 4. Costs reduction of ownership and minimal disruption Marketing tool: Brochure 4. 0
Self-Maintenance Services 4. 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On-line Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Manuals and Instructions On-line service provides access to technical information and application advice for ABB Low Voltage Product and Systems users on Web-based service accessible in Power. Care portal. Access to view and download product instructions as well as updates to each document as posted Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 4. 0 Documentation of Installed Base & Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On-line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Self-maintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 26 Values for the customer: 1. Fast access to products and system updated documentation 2. Time saving: no loose time in finding documents Marketing tool: Brochure 4. 1
Self-Maintenance Services 4. 4. 2 On-Line Support for Self-maintenance Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 4. 0 Documentation of Installed Base & Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On-line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Self-maintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 27 Remote troubleshooting: The tool is structured according to the product type. Customer chooses the product type and follows the guided path in order to find the solution of the problem. If there is no answer to the new request, the customer will be put in contact with ABB engineers. See what PPMV do Yammer/ Community Page for customers (verify) Values for the customer: 1. Online solutions for trouble 2. Direct way to solutions Marketing tool: Brochure 4. 2
Self-Maintenance Services 4. 4. 3 File Storage Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 4. 0 Documentation of Installed Base & Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On-line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Self-maintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 28 One single place, where all the technical documentation (product datasheets)of assets (parameters and/or settings for protection releases, soft starters, drives, other electrical equipment, selectivity studies) is stored. ABB is offering a secure file storage on ABB servers for data and information in case of product replacement/upgrades and disaster recovery. Values for the customer: 1. Dedicated folder 2. Protected access: Secure file storage 3. Time saving Marketing tool: Brochure 4. 3
Power Care 5. Delivered Maintenance Services Levels Areas Level. 0 © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 29 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and Instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services With a yearly technical assessment it is possible to check the condition of customer’s equipment. In order to work in safety condition, it is strongly recommended to shut down the switchgear so that the ABB field service engineer can access to the low voltage products. A visual inspection and, if it is allowed, thermal scan and/or functional tests help in formulate the best audit. For New Emax circuit breakers LEAP AUDIT can be carried out and for MNSi. S Mreport data should be collected analyzed. Suggestion of upgrade and/or retrofit solutions. 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Maintenance 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 30 Values for the customer: 1. Knowledge of the equipment revision status 2. Fixed Price per column Marketing tool: Brochure 5. 0
Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 5. 1 Product Engineering Services Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Maintenance 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 31 ABB provides manpower for a single preventive maintenance operation on low voltage products and systems in order to match the required original functionalities and strongly reduce the probability of unwanted shut down. Routine maintenance on products can be carried out by trained or coached customer staff. More in depth maintenance, on the other hand, must be carried out by ABB field service engineers only. Values for the customer: 1. Expert at customer’s site 2. Fixed price per product (USD/h) - Lower rate than Emergency Maintenance 3. Protection of investments Marketing tool: Brochure 5. 1
Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 5. 2 Advanced Product Maintenance Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Maintenance 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 32 ABB provides Advanced Manintenance which follows the preventive maintenance program suggested by ABB to maximize customer’s investments on low voltage products The maintenance frequency is according to the real needs of the products according its usage and the environmental conditions in which it is inserted. Extend product warranty (with extra fee) according conditions (tbd) Values for the customer: 1. Expert at customer’s site 2. Fixed price per product (USD/h) - Lower rate than Emergency Maintenance 3. Maximization of investments Marketing tool: Brochure 5. 2
Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Agenda What is Power. Care Areas 1. Skills Development Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 3. Diagnostic & Condition Assessment ABB provides Advanced Manintenance which follows the preventive maintenance program suggested by ABB to maximize customer’s investments on low voltage products The maintenance frequency is according to the real needs of the products according its usage and the environmental conditions in which it is inserted. Extend product warranty is also possible according to defined conditions (tbd). Extension and upgrade (? ? ) 4. Self-Maintenance Services 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Maintenance 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 33 Values for the customer: 1. Expert at customer’s site 2. Fixed price per product (USD/h) - Lower rate than Emergency Maintenance 3. Maximization of investments Marketing tool: Brochure 5. 3
Power Care Matrix Levels Areas Entry Level © ABB Group Month DD, Year | Slide 34 Level. 1 Level. 2 Level. 3 1. Skills Development Services 1. 0 Product Training List 1. 1 Product Training 1. 2 Application Training 1. 3 Coaching Services 2. Emergency Maintenance Services 2. 0 Single Point of Contact 2. 1 Technical Support with agreed response time 2. 2 Call-out Support with agreed response time 2. 3 Emergency Spare Parts Assessment and Purchasing 3. Diagnosis & Condition Assessment 3. 0 Preliminary Survey and Documentation of Installed Base 3. 1 Asset and Risk Assessment 3. 2 Local Asset Monitoring 3. 3 Remote Asset Monitoring 4. Self. Maintenance Services 4. 0 Installed Base Life Cycle Status Report 4. 1 Manuals and instructions On -line 4. 2 On-Line Support for Selfmaintenance 4. 3 File Storage 5. Delivered Maintenance Services 5. 0 Technical Assessment on Yearly Basis Report 5. 1 Product Engineering Services 5. 2 Advanced Product Engineering Services 5. 3 Full Switchgear Engineering Services Maintenance
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