2 p 15 ttest Wilcoxon test Paired ttest

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2. 자료에 따른 통계분석 방법(p. 15) 알고 싶은 내용 모수적 방법 (정규성) 비모수적 방법

2. 자료에 따른 통계분석 방법(p. 15) 알고 싶은 내용 모수적 방법 (정규성) 비모수적 방법 (정규성아님) 독립된 두 집단의 평균 비교 t-test Wilcoxon test 짝지은 두 집단의 평균 비교 Paired t-test Paired-samples Wilcoxon test 세 집단 이상 평균 비교 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Kruskal-Wallis test 반복 측정된 세 집단 이상의 평균 비교 Repeated measured ANOVA Friedman rank-sum test 두 변수간의 상관관계 Pearson’s correlation Spearman’s correlation Kendall’s tau 독립(설명)변수와 연속형 종 회귀분석 (Linear 속(반응)변수와의 관계 regression analysis) 독립(설명)변수와 이분형 종 로지스틱 회귀분석 (Logistic regression analysis) 속(반응)변수와의 관계 두 집단 이상의 frequency 비교 시간에 따른 event 발생 위 험도 산출 Chi-square test (χ2 test) Fisher’s exact test 생명표(life table), Kaplan-Meier Weibull model, exponential model, Gaussian model, logistic model, lognormal model, log-logistic model Cox proportional hazard model

표 틀 만들고 채우기 Table 1. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom

표 틀 만들고 채우기 Table 1. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender     Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD     N % All Gender Male Female p-value     p-value calculated using t-test 빈도 분포     수치적 요약 반드시 먼저 성별변수(sex)를 요인으로 만든 후

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender  

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender       N All 1197 Gender Male 554 Female 643 p-value calculated using t-test Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD   % 100 46. 3 53. 7       수치적요약

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender  

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender       N All 1197 Gender Male 554 Female 643 p-value calculated using t-test Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD   % 100 46. 3 53. 7   선만들기     셀들을 병합하고 싶을 때

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender  

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender       N All 1197 Gender Male 554 Female 643 p-value calculated using t-test Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD   % 100 46. 3 53. 7      

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender  

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender       N All 1197 Gender Male 554 Female 643 p-value calculated using t-test Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD   % 100 46. 3 53. 7      

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender Standardized

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender Standardized score of       obsessive compulsive symptom   N % Mean SD All 1197 50. 0 10. 0 Gender Male 554 48. 3 9. 6 Female 643 51. 4 10. 1 p-value     p-value calculated using t-test

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender Standardized

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender Standardized score of       obsessive compulsive symptom   N % Mean SD All 1197 50. 0 10. 0 Gender Male 554 48. 3 9. 6 Female 643 51. 4 10. 1 p-value     p-value calculated using t-test 성별 t_obs 평균에 차이가 있는지 P- value 구하기~!!!

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender  

Table 2. Distribution of standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom according to gender     N All 1197 Gender Male 554 Female 643 p-value     p-value calculated using t-test % 100. 0 46. 3 53. 7 Standardized score of obsessive compulsive symptom Mean SD 50. 0 10. 0 <0. 0001 48. 3 51. 4   9. 6 10. 1