2 nd SystemsInstrumentationSDA monthly meeting Vaia Papadimitriou Storechecker

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2 nd Systems-Instrumentation-SDA monthly meeting Vaia Papadimitriou Storechecker and how we could improve it

2 nd Systems-Instrumentation-SDA monthly meeting Vaia Papadimitriou Storechecker and how we could improve it December 6, 2006 Vaia Papadimitriou 1

Storechecker v The Storechecker is a software package whose goal is to characterize and

Storechecker v The Storechecker is a software package whose goal is to characterize and validate the data of each store on the basis of a set of predefined criteria for devices that are being checked. v A thread runs every 15 minutes, and if the current store has entered a relevant phase a list of standard checks is being executed and error messages for the failed checks are saved on a webpage. In addition, a list of subscribers is notified by email about the outcome of these checks. v The Storechecker web page is located at: http: //www-bd. fnal. gov/javaapplications/html_write/Store. Checker/ v In particular, the results for each store are being saved under: Vaia Papadimitriou 2 http: //www-bd. fnal. gov/javaapplications/html_write/Store. Checker/results/index. html

Storechecker v Suzanne Gysin from CD has been supporting this program. The Store. Checker

Storechecker v Suzanne Gysin from CD has been supporting this program. The Store. Checker is installed in dpe 11. Several of us (Jean S. , Elliott Mc. , Vaia P. , Kris G. , etc) have worked at different times on defining the standard criteria. After redefining we were sending them to Suzanne and either Suzanne or Dennise F. were making them official. v I notice that the last time the standard criteria have changed was in November 2005. When you look now at the results for each store you see on the order of 100 complaints, some for “less than minimum” or “more than maximum” and some for “NO VALUE”. Most devices being checked have to do with instrumentation. Vaia Papadimitriou 3

Storechecker v One could certainly add more people in the e-mail list where these

Storechecker v One could certainly add more people in the e-mail list where these results are being sent to but first more work has to be done to make the standard criteria meaningful. v If we want MCR to be able to use this information to page people who need to address the problems we need to convert this package to an OAC which generates alarms for important problems. Vaia Papadimitriou 4