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2 nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE 16 – 18 May 2018 Session 7: Remediation

2 nd NUCLEAR REGULATORY INFORMATION CONFERENCE 16 – 18 May 2018 Session 7: Remediation Adriaan Joubert: NNR

CONTENTS (1) Status in developing regulatory framework for remediation of NORM contaminated sites (2)

CONTENTS (1) Status in developing regulatory framework for remediation of NORM contaminated sites (2) Status of remediation of Tudor Dump (3) IAEA Technical Cooperation Expert mission (4) IAEA Technical Cooperation 2020 -21 application

(1)Status in developing regulatory framework for remediation of NORM contaminated sites The following diagramme

(1)Status in developing regulatory framework for remediation of NORM contaminated sites The following diagramme was established in the 2017 version of the: PROJECT CHARTER: REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED LAND CHR-PMO-17 -001, Rev 1 Remediation NNR Regulatory framework Inter Regulatory responsibility matrix NNR Funding model Operational remediation activities

Regulatory Framework NNR Regulatory Framework • Develop new regulations of remediation • Develop an

Regulatory Framework NNR Regulatory Framework • Develop new regulations of remediation • Develop an NNR authorization process for remediation of contaminated sites • Develop an NNR Regulatory guide on remediation • Develop NNR Technical Assessment guide for remediation


Regulatory Framework General Nuclear Safety Regulations PART SIX: RADIATION PROTECTION, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DECOMMISSIONING 2. Dose constraints and reference levels 3. Dose limitation 4. Radiation protection education, training and information 5. Planned exposure situations 6. Existing exposure situations Public exposures Worker exposures 7. Protection of non-human species

 Inter Regulatory responsibility matrix: • Develop and inter Regulatory responsibility matrix • Develop

Inter Regulatory responsibility matrix: • Develop and inter Regulatory responsibility matrix • Develop a national remediation plan • Develop a NNR/Municipality interaction matrix • Develop a NNR Regulatory guide for application by Municipalities for approval of land, free from radiological contamination • Develop a NNR regulatory guide for Municipalities on the requirements for an environmental monitoring programme.

 NNR funding model • A funding model must be developed.

NNR funding model • A funding model must be developed.

 NNR operational remediation activities: • • • Establish a staffing plan Employ staff

NNR operational remediation activities: • • • Establish a staffing plan Employ staff Develop a contaminated sites data base Develop a national radiological characterization plan and implement Train NNR staff in the use of RESRAD and MARSSIM

(2) Status of remediation of Tudor Dump • Terms of reference: • Participants: •

(2) Status of remediation of Tudor Dump • Terms of reference: • Participants: • • NNR, DMR, DWS, DEA, Municipality Content: • Scope • Legal Requirements • Site owner responsibilities • Application for NNR authorisation • Responsibility of Operator • Public Participation

3. IAEA Technical Cooperation Expert mission • Expert mission: 16 – 20 April 2018

3. IAEA Technical Cooperation Expert mission • Expert mission: 16 – 20 April 2018 • Observations 1. South Africa has long mining history with big number of closed mines and operating mines. 2. There is urgent needs for South Africa to take actions for safety of radiologically contaminated legacy mining sites while imposing appropriate control for new and operating facilities to avoid creation of new legacy issues. 3. Existing infrastructure lacks inventory of radiologically contaminated sites from old uranium and other mining and proper arrangement for remediation of these sites. • 4. Roles of the national nuclear regulatory body (NNR) in remediation has not been clearly defined in the existing legislation. 5. NNR remains weak in capacity for dealing with remediation of radiologically contaminated sites 6. There is no established collaboration mechanism amongst NNR and other governmental organizations Recommendations 1. Clarify functions and responsibilities of NNR in managing radiologically contaminated mining sites 2. . Establish efficient coordination mechanism 3. Enhance capacity building for NNR to appropriately implement its functions for remediation of radiologically contaminated sites 4. Promote implementation of pilot remediation project 5. Development national strategic remediation plan

4. IAEA Technical Cooperation 2020 -21 application NNR made a Technical Cooperation (TC) proposal

4. IAEA Technical Cooperation 2020 -21 application NNR made a Technical Cooperation (TC) proposal through Do. E to IAEA for 2020 -21

 THANK YOU Adriaan Joubert Principal Specialist: ERP National Nuclear Regulator Phone: +27 (12)

THANK YOU Adriaan Joubert Principal Specialist: ERP National Nuclear Regulator Phone: +27 (12) 674 7127 Eco Glade Office Park I Eco Glades Office 2 Block GI 420 Witch Hazel Avenue I Centurion P. O. Box 7106 I Centurion I 0046