1960s 1962 1975 Cultural Sexual and Social Revolutions

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1960’s (1962 -1975) Cultural Sexual and Social Revolutions

1960’s (1962 -1975) Cultural Sexual and Social Revolutions

The Feminine Mystique n n Written in 1963 Betty Friedan Claimed that women were

The Feminine Mystique n n Written in 1963 Betty Friedan Claimed that women were capable of handling issues outside the home Freed women from being strictly ‘homemakers’ in post war America

Feminism n n A collection of social theories and political movements to equalize the

Feminism n n A collection of social theories and political movements to equalize the sexes In the 1960’s women sought education, a place in the workforce and equal pay

Beatle Mania n n n Appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 John

Beatle Mania n n n Appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 John Lennon, Paul Mc. Cartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr Caused a sensation in the United States

John Glenn n n First man to orbit the Earth Beat the Russians in

John Glenn n n First man to orbit the Earth Beat the Russians in that aspect of the Space Race Aboard shuttle Friendship 7 (Mercury program) February 20, 1962

Warren Report n n n n Founded November 26, 1963 Investigating the Kennedy Assassination

Warren Report n n n n Founded November 26, 1963 Investigating the Kennedy Assassination Found Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone All shots had been fired from the Texas Book Depository Found that the Secret Service had been at fault for the assassination All files were sealed by executive order of President Johnson for 75 years (2039) The files are scheduled for release to the public in 2017

Cesar Chavez n n n 1927 -1992 Founded the National Farm Workers Association Leader

Cesar Chavez n n n 1927 -1992 Founded the National Farm Workers Association Leader for the Mexican. American civil rights movement Fought for higher wages for migrant workers Hailed as one of the greatest Civil Rights leaders since Martin Luther King Jr.

1964 Election n Lyndon B. Johnson. Democrat Barry Goldwater. Republican Goldwater was painted as

1964 Election n Lyndon B. Johnson. Democrat Barry Goldwater. Republican Goldwater was painted as a radical and a hothead who would lead to nuclear war

Johnson’s Great Society n Medicare/medicade n n Food Stamps Head Start program Job Corps

Johnson’s Great Society n Medicare/medicade n n Food Stamps Head Start program Job Corps n n n Placed regulations on billboards Immigration Reform National Origins Act (1920) n n Domestic Peace Corps Highway Beautification Act 1967 n n For people who dropped out of high school VISTA’s (Volunteers in Service to America) n n Infant mortality rate dropped by 33% Set quotas on nationalities; eliminated in 1960 Vietnam erodes the Great Society and America loses trust in LBJ

Johnson and Civil Rights n Civil Rights Act of 1964 n n Voting Rights

Johnson and Civil Rights n Civil Rights Act of 1964 n n Voting Rights Act of 1965 n n Prohibits the use of Literacy Tests in the south Thurgood Marshall-1967 n n Strengthens the governments ability to intervene in voting rights Outlaws segregation in public accommodations Establishes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission First African-American Supreme Court Justice Civil Rights Act of 1968 n Prohibits discrimination in housing

Watts Riots n n n August 11 -17, 1965 People began rioting over the

Watts Riots n n n August 11 -17, 1965 People began rioting over the ‘racism’ of the police department Of 205 police officers in the district only 5 were African-American 99% African-American population 34 people killed (28 African-Americans) $35 million in damages over the 6 days

Counter Culture n Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco n n n Epicenter for the Beat Movement

Counter Culture n Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco n n n Epicenter for the Beat Movement and hippies 1967 -Summer of Love Reaction against social norms and the rigid rules of the 1950’s Used drugs, music and equal rights to rebel Music-Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin Equal Rights-feminist movement and Civil Rights

The Draft n n Instituted at the beginning of the Vietnam War College was

The Draft n n Instituted at the beginning of the Vietnam War College was the only way to avoid the draft People burned draft cards in public Stopped by Nixon in 1975

Apollo I n n January 27, 1967 3 astronauts on a training mission n

Apollo I n n January 27, 1967 3 astronauts on a training mission n n Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee Too much oxygen had been pumped into the chamber Problems with the communication system and the suits A fire broke out in the command module Within 17 seconds the entire crew was dead

Bobby Kennedy n n Attorney General under President Kennedy Major Civil Rights advocate Responsible

Bobby Kennedy n n Attorney General under President Kennedy Major Civil Rights advocate Responsible for the arrest of Teamster Jimmy Hoffa Ran for Senate in 1964 from New York

Bobby vs. Organized Crime n n Special Targets Sam Giancana (#4) n n n

Bobby vs. Organized Crime n n Special Targets Sam Giancana (#4) n n n Original case was tainted by the CIA and Kennedy had to start over again Close with Frank Sinatra was friends with the Kennedy’s n n Tried to expose JFK’s womanizing by order of Giancana A Spy in the President’s Bedroom n n Judith Campbel Jimmy Hoffa n n n Indicted for receiving $1 million in illegal funds Tried for Jury Tampering Convicted Santos Trafficante n n Helping the CIA with Castro Kennedy kept raiding his operations Knew when he was beaten by Kennedy Carlos Marello n n n Technically not a US citizen Deported to Guatemala and felt that he needed to get back at Kennedy By 1961 he was under 2 indictments and decided to lay low

Bobby Kennedy Cont’d n n n Running for the Democratic candidacy for the 1968

Bobby Kennedy Cont’d n n n Running for the Democratic candidacy for the 1968 Election June 5, 1968 -gave a speech accepting the California primary victory Ambassador hotel in Los Angeles Assassinated by Sirhan B. Sirhan Palestinian man angry about the US involvement in Israel

Theories on RFK Assassination n n Theory 1: Edward G. Partin-claimed Hoffa tried to

Theories on RFK Assassination n n Theory 1: Edward G. Partin-claimed Hoffa tried to hire him to kill RFK FBI determined he was telling the truth Theory 2: Jose Aleman witnessed Trafficante threat September 1962 “No Jose, you don’t understand, he’s going to be hit” Theory 3: Edward Becker-witness to Marcello threat “if you chop off the tail, the dog will keep biting, you chop off the head the dog will die”

1968 Election n n Democrat-Hubert Humphrey Republican-Richard Nixon Independent-George Wallace LBJ had withdrawn his

1968 Election n n Democrat-Hubert Humphrey Republican-Richard Nixon Independent-George Wallace LBJ had withdrawn his candidacy earlier in 1968 Nixon became President

Man on the Moon n n Apollo 11 July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and

Man on the Moon n n Apollo 11 July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind” Fulfilled Kennedy’s prediction of landing on the moon by the end of the 1960’s

Woodstock n n August 15 -18, 1969 Held in Bethal, New York 500, 000

Woodstock n n August 15 -18, 1969 Held in Bethal, New York 500, 000 “flower children” occupied a dairy farm for the 3 days 1 died of a drug overdose, 1 fell off scaffolding, 1 was in a sleeping bag and run over by a tractor n n A collection of bands and artists from around the country A culmination of the ‘hippie’ movement Relatively non-violent Tried to repeat it in 1979 n n Used ‘Hells Angels’ as security Ended up being a violent, non-Woodstock event

Apollo 13 n n n Supposed to be the 3 rd moon landing Manned

Apollo 13 n n n Supposed to be the 3 rd moon landing Manned by Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, Fred Haise April 14, 1970 -Stirring of the oxygen tank caused an explosion Returned April 17, 1970 NASA’s “Most Successful Failure” Jack Swigert was elected to Congress from Colorado in 1982 n Jack Swigert. August 30, 1931 December 27, 1982 Denver, Colorado Statue resides in Washington, DC. One of 2 Colorado Statues One of 2 statues that breaks The rules. The other is from Hawaii. Died of bone cancer before he could take office

Kent State n n n n n May 4, 1970 Kent State University, Ohio

Kent State n n n n n May 4, 1970 Kent State University, Ohio Students were protesting the American invasion into Cambodia May 1 -demonstration in the courtyard May 2 -mayor declares a state of emergency and the National Guard is sent to Kent State May 3 -Rally is organized and broken up by tear gas May 4 -Rally was scheduled at noon National Guard was called to try to disperse the crowd 2, 000 students had appeared to protest Guards fired on the students and 4 were killed Mary Ann Vecchio (14) over the body of Jeremy Miller. Photograph by John Filo. Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1970

Pentagon Papers n n Discussed US-Vietnam relations from 1945 -1967 7, 000 pages of

Pentagon Papers n n Discussed US-Vietnam relations from 1945 -1967 7, 000 pages of top secret government documents Created a credibility gap between what Johnson had told the public and what was happening in Vietnam Leaked to the New York Times in 1971

1972 Olympics n n n Held in Munich, Germany First Olympics held in Germany

1972 Olympics n n n Held in Munich, Germany First Olympics held in Germany since Hitler’s 1936 in Berlin Black September-Terrorist Organization Held 9 Israeli athletes hostage and killed 2 others An unsuccessful rescue attempt led to the massacre of all the athletes and all but 3 terrorists were killed

OPEC n n n Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries International organization including the

OPEC n n n Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries International organization including the following countries: Iraq, Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Angola, Algeria, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela Decide on quotas for exportation of oil 1970’s-had a very strong agreement and drove up the price of oil and caused a gas shortage around the United States

Equal Rights Amendment n n n Equal Rights regardless of Sex (gender) Section 1.

Equal Rights Amendment n n n Equal Rights regardless of Sex (gender) Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification. 35 states ratified it of 38 5 of the 35 rescinded their votes before the 1982 deadline

Nixon in China n n n February 21 -28, 1972 First step towards US/Chinese

Nixon in China n n n February 21 -28, 1972 First step towards US/Chinese relations US broke off relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and committed itself to the Peoples Republic of China

Stagflation n n Out of control inflation along with combined with slow output and

Stagflation n n Out of control inflation along with combined with slow output and rising unemployment Began under Nixon’s Presidency in 1969

Watergate Scandal n n n June 17, 1972 5 men were arrested for breaking

Watergate Scandal n n n June 17, 1972 5 men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Headquarters They’d been there on May 27 and 28 and needed to fix the wiretaps

Significance of Watergate n n Revealed the ‘dirty tricks’ squad of CREEP (the Committee

Significance of Watergate n n Revealed the ‘dirty tricks’ squad of CREEP (the Committee to Re. Elect the President) Enemies list The Plumbers-to plug leaks from the Presidents office Secret slush fund n “Deep Throat” n n Gave anonymous tips to the Washington Post that linked Nixon to the cover up William Mark Felt Sr. FBI 2 nd in Command to J. Edgar Hoover Revealed himself in May 2005

Resignations n n April 30, 1973 Nixon must ask for the resignations of his

Resignations n n April 30, 1973 Nixon must ask for the resignations of his top two aids H. R. Haldeman n John Ehrlichman n

Nixon’s Involvement n The Tapes n n n Nixon wanted his dealings to be

Nixon’s Involvement n The Tapes n n n Nixon wanted his dealings to be saved for ‘posterities sake’ Archibald Cox-Attorney General Subpoenaed the tapes Nixon refused to turn them over to Cox Claimed executive privilege Saturday Night Massacre-October 20, 1973 n Nixon continued firing people until he could find someone willing to fire Cox

Watergate Scandal n n n United States v. Nixon July 24, 1974 Decided that

Watergate Scandal n n n United States v. Nixon July 24, 1974 Decided that Nixon’s claims of executive privilege in not releasing the tapes was void July 30, 1974 -Nixon released the tapes Mysteriously 19 minutes of the tapes had been deleted

Nixon’s Resignation n n July 27, 1974 House began impeachment process voting 27 to

Nixon’s Resignation n n July 27, 1974 House began impeachment process voting 27 to 11 to impeach Nixon was to be charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power and contempt of congress August 8, 1974 -Nixon announced he would resign as President effective August 9 at noon September 8, 1974 -Nixon was pardoned by President Gerald Ford