1000 1100 1001 0001 9988 1300 1400 0001

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Γεφύρωμα στο Πληροφοριακό χάσμα • 1000 • 1100 • 1001 • 0001 • 9988

Γεφύρωμα στο Πληροφοριακό χάσμα • 1000 • 1100 • 1001 • 0001 • 9988 • 1300 • 1400 • 0001 • 3000 • 3100 • 3200 • 3300 • 3400 • 3500 • 3600 • 3700 • 3800 • 2000 • 1999 • 0088 • 1200 • 3999 • 0001 • 0088 • 0001 • 0001 • 0095 • 0001 • 0088 • 0002 • 0100 • 0003 • 0101 • 0004 • Central purchase organization C 100 • Purchase organization 1000 0 • EKG 001 • services • Purchase group 000 • Chef H. B HH • 1100 1000 • • DD 1200 • F 1300 • • S 1400 • 200 Heathrow 2000 CC • Company code 1000 • 2000 • Client • EKO 3000 EKG 003 • • Components & Motorcycles • NY 3000 • CH • A • LA • SE • DA • WI • OL • DE 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 • CC 3000

Ενοποιημένο Σενάριο Financial Controlling PP SD Costs Controlling Πωλήζ ειρ • Kundenau trag Contacting

Ενοποιημένο Σενάριο Financial Controlling PP SD Costs Controlling Πωλήζ ειρ • Kundenau trag Contacting Customer order Sourcing Delivery MRP Planned order Παπαγωγή SOP MM Ππομήθεια Logistic Controlling MPS Purchase Supplier Purchase requisition selection order Invoicing Incoming payment Production control order Invoice Outgoing Goods receipt verification payment Sales, Production, Purchase, Storage

Περιγραφή Σεναρίου 1 Company: Παραγωγικής εταιρίας με τμήμα πωλήσεων IDES Greece, Your company manufactures

Περιγραφή Σεναρίου 1 Company: Παραγωγικής εταιρίας με τμήμα πωλήσεων IDES Greece, Your company manufactures motorcycles. You procure components for the motorcycle and assemble them in accordance to your customers’ needs. Focus: Production Business Area: Motorcycles Product: Motorcycle UCC 1300 Βήματα: - Maintain material master data for finished good and components - Create bill of materials and routings

Βήματα και Ρόλοι M M PP Ρόλοι στην επιχειρηματική διαδικασία: - Materials management personnel

Βήματα και Ρόλοι M M PP Ρόλοι στην επιχειρηματική διαδικασία: - Materials management personnel - Production planer - Production worker

Προσδιορισμός των βασικών στοιχείων των ειδών (Material Master Data) M M PP UCC-MOTORCYCLE# C-FRAME-#

Προσδιορισμός των βασικών στοιχείων των ειδών (Material Master Data) M M PP UCC-MOTORCYCLE# C-FRAME-# # U#C (Finished Good) UCC-ENGINE-# # (Semifinished Good) UCC-BLOCK-# # (Raw material) UCC-CAMSHAFT## (Raw material) (Semifinished Good)

Material master data – Views Ι Basic data MRP Work scheduling Plant/stock Accounting Costing

Material master data – Views Ι Basic data MRP Work scheduling Plant/stock Accounting Costing The material master data is a central data object in the • ERP System. • It represents: • raw materials • auxiliary materials • fuels • semi-manufactures • production resources and tools Motorcycle HD-1300 Sales Purchasing Foreign trade QM Classification Storage

Material master data – Views II

Material master data – Views II

Bill of materials Motorcycle Drive assembly Engine Gear Chassis Exhaust Front wheel Rear wheel

Bill of materials Motorcycle Drive assembly Engine Gear Chassis Exhaust Front wheel Rear wheel Frame Brake

Variant configuration Line • America • International • Europe Engine • 1300 • 1600

Variant configuration Line • America • International • Europe Engine • 1300 • 1600 Accessories • saddlebag leather fringes • saddlebag leather normal • wind deflector big • chrome kit • Standard • De. Luxe • Rear wheel • normal • Special wide Color • silver • black Special colour Seat Exhaust Anti-theft • device • U-lock • Immobillizer • 74 • db • 78 • db • 82 • db

Bill of materials and routings • Maximum bill of materials • Maximum routing

Bill of materials and routings • Maximum bill of materials • Maximum routing

Variant configuration • Maximum routing • Object dependencies • Maximum bill of • Maximalst

Variant configuration • Maximum routing • Object dependencies • Maximum bill of • Maximalst • ückliste materials • Configured bill • of materials • Configured • routing

Variant Selection Line Engine • 1300 • 1600 • America • International • Europe

Variant Selection Line Engine • 1300 • 1600 • America • International • Europe Seat • Standard • De. Luxe Accessories • saddlebag leather fringes • saddlebag leather normal • wind deflector big • chrome kit • wind deflector compact Rear wheel • normal • Special wide • Color Exhaust • silver • black • Special colour • Anti-theft • device • U-lock • Immobillizer • 74 • db • 78 • db • 82 • db

Αρχικός ανά -σχεδιασμός του συστήματος Διαδικασία Παραλαβής Διαδικασία Εναπόθεσης Διαδικασία Συλλογής παραγγελιών Διαδικασία αποστολής

Αρχικός ανά -σχεδιασμός του συστήματος Διαδικασία Παραλαβής Διαδικασία Εναπόθεσης Διαδικασία Συλλογής παραγγελιών Διαδικασία αποστολής C o n ta in e r a rrive s B il l o f L ad i n g C h e ck fo r a n y dis cre p a n cy b e tw e e n th e BOL a n d th e P O P u rcha s e R e c e ive Re cei ve pu t -awa y ta s ks Ord e r R e cei ve cu s to m e r o rd e rs s h i p p i ng ta s k s vi a p h o n e , fa x, m ai l YE S Ini tia te pu t-awa y NO is th e re a n y C o n s olida te In iti ate s h i p p i ng cu s to m e r o rd e rs di s cre p a n cy? Pick a s canne d p rodu ct b y a fo rkli ft Ini tia te u nl o ad i n g G e n e ra te th e li s t o f pickin g Li s t o f pick in g P ic k a s c a n n e d Do u b l e -ch e ck Identify its clas s (fast, medium and slow moving products) th e fi n d i n g s D rive a fo rklift p ro d u c t b y a fo rk lift Prepare the picking tour to th e con tai ne r Send the list of Ge t a n o th e r co -w o rke r Move the loaded forklift to the specific class zone m ixe d u p to co ll a b o ra te P ick u p th e p ro du cts o n th e m is m a tch M o ve th e l o a d e d fo r k lift Ini tia te pick in g picking into WMS to th e c o n ta i n er fro m th e con ta in e r Mo ve fo rkli ft to w a rd s Di s crepan cy rep o rt (BOL -PO) C o n firm th e Are the re o th e r p ro d u cts s to re d wi th th e s a m e code ? Mo ve th e l oa de d fo rklift m is m a tch NO to a p ro vis i o na l a re a va ri o u s s to ra g e b i n s ide th e w a re h ou s e U n l o a d th e p ro d u c ts fro m th e fo rk lift YES P i ck u p th e p ro d u c ts fro m th e s to ra g e b i n s Unloa d the items from the forklift Mo ve th e l o a d e d fo rkli ft Pu t-awa y th e p rodu ct a t th e app rop ria te bin Pu t-a w a y th e p rod u ct a n a rbi tra ry o pe n lo ca tion to a p ro vi s i o n a l a re a NO in s id e th e w a re h o u s e Scan each product (item/palle t/case) the forklift NO Pu t-awa y co m ple te ? R e p o rt th a t th e YES s h i p p i ng is p e rfo rm e d Scan each product a c tu a l p ro d u cts (item/palle t/cas e) pick e d Repo rt tha t th e pu t-awa y is perfo rm e d m is re a d (co ve re d o r YE S G e n e ra te th e B ill Sca n m an ua l l y ea ch o f L a d i n g (B O L ) Ve rify a g a i n s t th e rej e cte d p ro du ct dam aged G ive th e B O L to i s th e re a Ma n u a l co m pliance YE S ch e ckin g o f di ve rg e n ce NO F i nis h e d l o a d e a ch p rod u ct fo r NO c o n ta i n e r fo r d e p a rtu r e in te rn a l u s e NO P i ckin g c o m p l e te ? NO U nl o ad i n g co m p l e te ? YE S Li s t o f pickin g C h e ck fo r a n y dis cre p a n c y b e tw e e n B il l o f YE S (BOL -PO) th e a ctu a l p ro d u c ts pick e d a n d th e L ad i n g li s t o f pickin g C h e ck fo r a n y dis cre pa n cy a c tu a l p ro d u cts pick e d be tw e e n th e B OL an d th e P O a ctu a l s h i p m e n t P u rch a s e an d th e a ctua l s hi p m en t Ord e r s ca n n e d i s th e re a n y NO di s cre p a n cy? YE S is th e re an y YE S NO di s cre pa n cy? (BOL -PO-a ctu a l s h i p m e n t) R e p o rt th a t th e pickin g i s p e rfo rm e d D i s cre p a n cy re p o rt (Li s t o f pick i n g - D i s cre p a n cy re p o rt th e c o n ta i n er d rive r o u tb o u n d s h i p m e n ts App l y a ne w l a be l to D i s cre p a n cy re p o rt R e p o rt th e Fini s he d a cce p te d di s cre p a n cy p rod u cts fo r s to rag e B ill o f Lading cu s to m e r o rd e r Fini s he d p rodu cts s to re d b a rcod e s )? YE S Unloa d the items from s ca nn e d is th e re an y S h i p p i ng c o m p l e te ? a ctua l s hi p m en t a c tu a l p ro d u cts pick e d ) R e p o rt th e di s cre p a n cy Fini s h e d o rd e rs fo r deli ve ry B ill o f Lading

Υπάρχουν σχέδιο Private Vehicles Entry/Exit Operational Vehicles Entry/Exit Fuel Station High pressure washing Water

Υπάρχουν σχέδιο Private Vehicles Entry/Exit Operational Vehicles Entry/Exit Fuel Station High pressure washing Water Supply Weigh Bridge Waste Transfersite

What are the tools and services to exploit CO 2 information? Harmonized approach for

What are the tools and services to exploit CO 2 information? Harmonized approach for CO 2(e) monitoring CO (e) 2 reporting and Industry Benchmarking Automatic Monitoring and Decision Tools for Green Efficiency

E-SAVE Project Consortium Technology Providers Research Institutes Service Users

E-SAVE Project Consortium Technology Providers Research Institutes Service Users

e-SAVE Project Objectives Supply Chain Decision Support Supply Chain Energy-efficiency and Carbon-Footprint e-SAVE Infrastructure

e-SAVE Project Objectives Supply Chain Decision Support Supply Chain Energy-efficiency and Carbon-Footprint e-SAVE Infrastructure Innovative Consumer Services e-SAVE Applications

Core of the e-SAVE Concept Deliveries. Shipments Master product data Company ERP/ WMS Energy

Core of the e-SAVE Concept Deliveries. Shipments Master product data Company ERP/ WMS Energy Power. Meters KPI’s • Total KWh, CO 2 • Energy efficiency (KWh/m 2) • CO 2 efficiency (CO 2/m 2, CO 2 /Tonne-km) • CO 2 effectiveness (CO 2 /product rotationmovement)

CO 2 Monitoring across the Supply Chain Factory WH Distributio n Center Point of

CO 2 Monitoring across the Supply Chain Factory WH Distributio n Center Point of Sales Retail DC Monitoring CO 2 during transport Monitoring CO 2 at nodes (Warehouses, Distribution centers, stores, etc. ) (EN 16258)

CO 2 Monitoring at Different Levels Transportation Link Warehouse/ Store Section Distribution Network Product

CO 2 Monitoring at Different Levels Transportation Link Warehouse/ Store Section Distribution Network Product

Use of Systems for CO 2 Monitoring When did your company employ or plans

Use of Systems for CO 2 Monitoring When did your company employ or plans to employ software package for monitoring carbon emissions? 25% 25% 10% 7% 4% 3 years ago or earlier 2 years ago a year ago 3% currently under consideration in a year’s time in 2 years in 3 years or later (e-SAVE Industry Survey, May 2012 - Mar 2013)

Overall e-SAVE Goals and Services Monitor • Energy and Carbon Footprint Monitoring: – per

Overall e-SAVE Goals and Services Monitor • Energy and Carbon Footprint Monitoring: – per Warehouse/Store Service – across the Supply Chain Service Improve Engage • Collaborative Distribution Service • Environmental Impact Assessment using Simulation Service • Consumer Service

System Αrchitecture

System Αrchitecture









Monitor Energy Efficiency and CO 2 (1/3) WAREHOUSE/STORE REPORTS NETWORK REPORTS

Monitor Energy Efficiency and CO 2 (1/3) WAREHOUSE/STORE REPORTS NETWORK REPORTS

Example: Compare the environmental impact at different delivery points (2/3)

Example: Compare the environmental impact at different delivery points (2/3)

Monitor Energy Efficiency and CO 2 (3/3) Example: Information Sharing among different e-SAVE partners

Monitor Energy Efficiency and CO 2 (3/3) Example: Information Sharing among different e-SAVE partners

Optimize the Distribution Network (1/2) Energy-aware vehicle-routing algorithm RUN OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY

Optimize the Distribution Network (1/2) Energy-aware vehicle-routing algorithm RUN OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY

Optimize the Distribution Network (2/2) Energy-aware vehicle-routing algorithm

Optimize the Distribution Network (2/2) Energy-aware vehicle-routing algorithm

e-SAVE Innovative Consumer Services Supply Chain Decision Support Supply Chain Energy-efficiency and Carbon-Footprint Innovative

e-SAVE Innovative Consumer Services Supply Chain Decision Support Supply Chain Energy-efficiency and Carbon-Footprint Innovative Consumer Services e-SAVE Applications e-SAVE Infrastructure The e-SAVE project is co-financed by the European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation within the 7 th Framework Programme

The Consumer Perspective Consumer Survey Pooll Gamified mobile app

The Consumer Perspective Consumer Survey Pooll Gamified mobile app

Consumer Survey • Examine the impact of Carbon Footprint labeling on Consumers’ perceptions of

Consumer Survey • Examine the impact of Carbon Footprint labeling on Consumers’ perceptions of product ‘greenness’ • Examine different types of Environmental labeling • Receive perceptions prior to the introduction of gamification and establish a baseline

Product categories introduced in the survey Laundry Detergent Bug Repellent Spray Boxed Pasta Boxed

Product categories introduced in the survey Laundry Detergent Bug Repellent Spray Boxed Pasta Boxed Pizza

Different Versions of Environmental Footprint Labels Product Image Produc t Image

Different Versions of Environmental Footprint Labels Product Image Produc t Image

Survey Distribution • www. productopinion. org – English, Greek, French, German • Banner Promotion

Survey Distribution • www. productopinion. org – English, Greek, French, German • Banner Promotion • E-mail communication

Survey Results • 380 valid responses from consumers (Greece, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium,

Survey Results • 380 valid responses from consumers (Greece, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Ireland Sweden)

Product Greenness Perceptions

Product Greenness Perceptions

Pooll Gamified Mobile App Raise Awareness Environmental Product Perceptions

Pooll Gamified Mobile App Raise Awareness Environmental Product Perceptions

Awareness and Product Perceptions Visualization

Awareness and Product Perceptions Visualization

Gamification Results • 41 answers per user (as opposed to 25 pre • gamification)

Gamification Results • 41 answers per user (as opposed to 25 pre • gamification) – 28 Awareness answers per user – 13 Product Perceptions given per user 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Version #1 Version #2 Version #3 Version #4

Thank you for your attention! akaragianaki@aueb. gr www. acein. gr www. eltrun. gr

Thank you for your attention! akaragianaki@aueb. gr www. acein. gr www. eltrun. gr