10 1 Nationalism in Germany Early 1800s Germans

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10. 1 Nationalism in Germany Early 1800’s Germans lived in many States After Napoleon-

10. 1 Nationalism in Germany Early 1800’s Germans lived in many States After Napoleon- Increase in nationalism Calls for one state Economic union- Zollverein Prussia- unifying state Bismarck- Chancellor Realpolitik Increased military Annexation of German areas Franco –Prussian War Other German states joined confederation William I – Kaiser 1871 Second Reich Constitution Created

10. 3 Italy Separate countries - controlled by other states Leading figures in unification

10. 3 Italy Separate countries - controlled by other states Leading figures in unification Risorgimento Mazzini Victor Emmanuel Cavour Garibaldi Tensions within nation North and South Italy and the Church Conservatives and Socialists Anarchists Emigration

10. 4 Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire Austria Hungary Hapsburgs- Reactionary Multinational German

10. 4 Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire Austria Hungary Hapsburgs- Reactionary Multinational German speaking Austrians Attempted reforms Slavs Duel Monarchy Czechs Francis Joseph Slovaks Poles Ottoman Empire Ukrainians Serbs Balkan unrest Croats Slovenes Hungarians Serbs Italians Greeks Nationalist unrest Attacks from other powers Balkan Powder Keg

14. 1 World War I 1914 -1918 Underlying Causes of the War Alliances Central

14. 1 World War I 1914 -1918 Underlying Causes of the War Alliances Central Powers Allies Austria Serbia Germany Russia Italy France Ottoman Empire Britain United States Triple Alliance Triple Entente Nationalism Balkans Slavs Alsace Lorraine Militarism Imperialism Immediate Cause Gavrilo Princip Assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austria attacks Serbia Others join in Germany Italy France Austria Britain. Hungary Russia Italy

20. 1 Ethnic and religious conflicts Sri Lanka- Sinhalese/Tamil Canada- Quebec separatists Northern Ireland

20. 1 Ethnic and religious conflicts Sri Lanka- Sinhalese/Tamil Canada- Quebec separatists Northern Ireland IRA Good Friday Agreement Russia - Chechnya Yugoslavia Serbia Bosnia Ethnic Cleansing Kosovo NATO Milosevic