1 Welcome to EDP 260 Course Overview By
1 Welcome to EDP 260 Course Overview By… Mayuree Chetawatee Use Down to start
2 There are important information for everyone. Let me walk you through these followings. v Course Outline v Course Evaluation & Grading Procedures v Course Assignments v Chapter Exercise (Weekly Work) v Attendance/Participation v Expectations & Academic Honesty Policy
3 Have you read the syllabus? Yes, …. you may continue No, …you need to read the syllabus first.
Course Outline: Course Front Page You will find things you need by selecting the module on this page. 4
5 Course Evaluation and Grading Procedures You’re required to complete 7 hours of field and clinical experiences. Don’t worry, you are going to be fine. Simply complete below assignments and course works. The 200 points are the followings: v Three (3) Observation assignments: 60 points v Three (4) Interview assignments: 65 points v Ten (10) Participation/discussion: 25 points v 16 -Chapter Exercise Weekly: 50 points
Course Evaluation and Grading Procedures (Con. ) v Students must submit all the assignments online no later than due date. v The 25% of a full credit will be deducted for each day late v Example 1, a student submit 3 days late. Full credit 20, late deduction = (20 x 25)/100= 5 x 3= 15. The three days late will be deducted 15 points. v Example 2, a student submit 4 days late. Full credit 20, late deduction = (20 x 25)/100= 5 x 4= 20. The four days late will earn 0 point. Students must submit all the assignments even if it is a “ 0” point. in order to complete this course. Failure to submit any of assignment will receive an Incomplete “I” grade. 6
Course Evaluation and Grading Procedures (Con. ) Grading Scale 180 - 200 A = 90 – 100% 160 - 179 B = 80 – 89% 140 - 159 C = 70 – 79% 120 - 139 D = 60 – 69% Below 120 E = below 60% Isn’t that simple? Just do my work each week, “A” Is mine. 7
8 What are the assignments? 1 -Observation 1 -Infancy : You are going to conduct the 4560 min. observation, a child or children 0 -2 years old, and write up a report 2 -Observation 2 -Early childhood : You are going to conduct the 45 -60 min. observation, a child or children (3 -6 years old) and write up a report 3 -Observation 3 -mid-late childhood : You are going to conduct the 45 -60 min. observation, a child or children (7 -11 years old) and write up a report Where can I find children? Option 1 -MSU Early childhood head start will provide times and dates for observation 1 & 2 (sign up sheet will be available soon) Option 2 -You may observe friends’ child/children, Sunday school, local daycare, playground, etc.
9 What are the assignments? (con. ) 4 -Interview 1 -Multicultural: You are going to conduct the 45 -60 min. interview, of an individual between 18 -40 years of age, who has different cultural background than your own, and write up a report 5 -Interview 2 -Classroom management (5 a)/Professional Development (5 b)-You choose either 5 a or 5 b 5 a- FOR EDUC. Major Students. You need Live Text membership with field experience option and (Spricks -CHAMPS text) ü You are going to interview a teacher and write up a report using required seven (7)classroom management tasks questions (refers to CHAMPS)-submit a report on Live. Text 5 b-FOR NON-EDUC. Or Non-Declared Major Students (do not need Live text) ü You are going to interview someone about his or her profession. Someone you are interested/related to your future goals. Then, you write up a report and submit it on Canvas. Interview questions guideline (see course assignment module)
10 What are course assignments? (Con. ) 6 -Interview 2 -Middle Adult: You are going to conduct a 45 -60 minute interview, of an individual between 41 -65 years of age, and write up a report. 7 -Interview 3 -Late Adult: You are going to conduct the 45 -60 minute interview, of an individual between 65+ years, and write up a report. More information about assignments, you may go to course assignments-Front Page.
11 Weekly Work ü Complete chapter exercise-16 exercises AND a bonus chapter Ø They serve you as one of the learning tools, to help you keep up with your learning, retain your knowledge, and better understand the chapter content. Ø The chapter exercise will be a mixture of multiple choice questions, short written responses, or interactive learning exercise. Ø There will be between 1 and 2 chapters exercise each week, it will be available only specific dates and times (see Chapters exercise on Front Page) Ø Each chapter exercise is a week duration, one attempt, open text, not accessible after due date. Ø A chapter begins on THURSDAY 1. 00 am. & ends on WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 11. 59 PM (CST) Participate on discussion board (10) throughout the semester, Some weeks you may just post your thought on the discussion board. Some weeks you may require to participate in chatroom, dates and specific chat times will be determined, due to students availability. ü Read email- I usually send out email once or twice a week for some updates. ü
12 Attendance: Participation-Discussion v This course is an entirely online. It is not required to meet in person, but you are expected to make progress weekly. If you need to meet with an instructor in person, you may set up a meeting. v Just logging on to the course is not counted as attendance. To be in attendance each student must participate on discussion board each week, or biweekly, or participate on chat room (see guideline of each week) v There will be both participation on discussion board and chat room throughout the semester. Students are required to participate in both weekly or biweekly. v For some reasons, you miss the particular date for discussion via chat room, you need to review all the discussion on chat room history you miss, and you will write a 150 -200 words reflection about topic being discussed, guidelines will be provided of each discussion.
13 Expectations : Students v Follow course syllabus and policy v Take responsibility: submit work/assignment/discussion on time v Be prepared, Independent study, READ, READ…. ask questions…review feedback (see how to view instructor feedback audio file) v Show respect to instructor and classmate thoughts/ don’t make insulting comments v Check email/log on to course regularly, set aside study time v Contact me when you have questions. v Please Note: Internet or computer failure is not considered as an excuse.
14 Expectations: Teacher I will read email and discussion board daily during the week, and occasionally on the weekend I will respond to your email between 24 and 48 hours during the week. I will grade assignment, and post your grade/feedback (on Canvas) no later 7 days after due date. I will notify you if any circumstances. I will send an early warning email to you if you have not logged on to course for 14 days, missing assignments, and follow the University Attendance policy. I will mainly communicate with you via email. In case of an emergency you may call me at my cell phone: 270 -2270148
15 Academic Honesty Policy This course follows Academic Honesty Policy, please make sure you understand the followings: Violations of Academic Honesty include: ü Cheating - Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized information such as books, notes, study aids, or other electronic, online, or digital devices in any academic exercise; as well as unauthorized communication of information by any means to or from others during any academic exercise. ü Fabrication and Falsification - Intentional alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Falsification involves changing information whereas fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information. ü Multiple Submissions - The submission of substantial portions of the same academic work, including oral reports, for credit more than once without authorization from the instructor. ü Plagiarism - Intentionally or knowingly representing the words, ideas, creative work, or data of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise, without due and proper acknowledgement. Students are encouraged to discuss with an instructor if you have question about Academic Honesty Policy
16 Great Beginning. You may go to below Tasks, and then begin your work
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