1 Usage of cellular phones not permitted on

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1. Usage of cellular phones _______ not permitted on the aircraft during takeoff and

1. Usage of cellular phones _______ not permitted on the aircraft during takeoff and landing. (A) are (B) is (C) will be (D) been 이착륙시 비행기에서 휴대전화 사용은 허용되지 않습니다.

2. Troy Barrett, who _______ a lawyer for 15 years, will be leading a

2. Troy Barrett, who _______ a lawyer for 15 years, will be leading a discussion at the conference next week. (A) is (B) was being (C) has been (D) to be 15년째 변호사를 하고 있는 Troy Barrnet씨는 다음주에 있을 회의에서 토 론을 이끌 것 입니다.

3. Due to a drop in popularity, Pizzazz Beverages ____ production of their line

3. Due to a drop in popularity, Pizzazz Beverages ____ production of their line of flavored teas starting next quarter. (A) was discontinued (B) discontinued (D) will discontinue (C) to discontinue 인기하락 때문에, Pizzazz Beverages는 다음분기에 생산할 향차 라인 제품 을 중단할 것입니다.

4. Many corporate leaders ____ the construction of manufacturing factories in Latin America to

4. Many corporate leaders ____ the construction of manufacturing factories in Latin America to elevate employment rates. (A)to recommend (C) recommends (B) were recommending (D) are recommended 많은 기업 리더들이 취업률을 높이기 위해 라틴 아메리카에 제조 공장 건설 을 추천했습니다.

5. Ms. Seiko _______ a member of Eastern Vineyards’ board of directors since the

5. Ms. Seiko _______ a member of Eastern Vineyards’ board of directors since the company opened 30 years ago. (D) has been (A) was (B) is (C) will be Seiok씨는 회사가 설립된 30년 전부터 Eastern Vineyard의 이사회 일원이였 습니다.

6. A 20% discount ____ only to customers purchasing items online. (A) apply (B)

6. A 20% discount ____ only to customers purchasing items online. (A) apply (B) applying (C) applies (D) application 20% 할인은 오직 온라인으로 제품을 구매한 고객들에게만 적용됩니다.

7. The fax machine has not been working _____ this morning. (A) until (B)

7. The fax machine has not been working _____ this morning. (A) until (B) since (C) after 팩스가 오늘 아침부터 작동하지 않습니다. (D) by

8. An increase in competition last quarter ______ a great drop in price, and

8. An increase in competition last quarter ______ a great drop in price, and consumers are happy. (A) causing (C) has caused (B) causes (D) is caused 지난분기 경쟁의 증가가 가격을 큰 폭으로 낮췄고, 고객들은 행복해했다.

9. By the time the police arrived at the crime scene, the bank robbers

9. By the time the police arrived at the crime scene, the bank robbers _______ along with an estimated two million dollars in cash. (A) are disappearing (B) will have disappeared (D) had disappeared (C) disappear 경찰이 범죄현장에 도착했을 때, 은행 강도들은 2백만 달러로 추정되는 돈 과 함께 이미 사라지고 없었다.

10. By the time this massive project has finished, we will _____ on it

10. By the time this massive project has finished, we will _____ on it for twenty-five years. (A) work (B) working (C) has worked (D) have been working 이 큰 프로젝트가 끝났을 때쯤, 우리는 이 분야에서 25년 차가 됩니다.

11. As of next Monday, Martha Aldana marketing director for three months. (A) will

11. As of next Monday, Martha Aldana marketing director for three months. (A) will have been (C) to be (B) had been (D) was 다음주 월요일 일자로, Martha Aldana는 3개월동안 마케팅 팀장으로 일 한 것이 될 것 입니다.

12. It has been three months since Ms. Mc. Daniel _______ Lauren Sports, and

12. It has been three months since Ms. Mc. Daniel _______ Lauren Sports, and she is already making an outstanding performance. (A) join (B) joins (C) joined (D) to join Ms. Mcdniel이 Lauren Sports에 들어온지 3개월차지만, 그녀는 이미 뛰어 난 성과를 만들고 있습니다.

13. We wish to organize an arrangement ____ we can establish an online network

13. We wish to organize an arrangement ____ we can establish an online network between distributors and suppliers in order to increase the levels of communication within the distribution chain. (A) whereas (B) which (C) for which (D) where 우리는 유통망 내의 커뮤니케이션의 수준을 높이기 위하여 유통업자들과 공급업자들 사이에서 온라인 네트워크를 설립할 수 있는 배치를 마련하고 자 합니다.

14. I like the book ______ recently wrote. (A) he (B) his (C) him

14. I like the book ______ recently wrote. (A) he (B) his (C) him 나는 그가 최근에 쓴 그 책을 좋아한다. (D) which

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