1 lucky A lucky person won the contest

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詞彙 1. lucky 幸運的 A lucky person won the contest. 一個幸運兒贏了比賽。 2. market 市場

詞彙 1. lucky 幸運的 A lucky person won the contest. 一個幸運兒贏了比賽。 2. market 市場 There is no market for these goods. 這些貨物沒有銷路。 3. carpets地毯 The floor is covered with a carpet. 地板上鋪著地毯。 4. ship船 They crossed the Pacific by ship. 他們乘船橫渡太平洋。 5. captain 船長 The captain refused to leave his sinking ship. 船長拒絕離開正在下沉的船。

6. sail啟航 Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong. Kong. 我們的船明天啟航前往香港。 7. island 島嶼 He

6. sail啟航 Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong. Kong. 我們的船明天啟航前往香港。 7. island 島嶼 He lived on as mall island off the shore. 他住在離海邊不遠的一個小 島上。 8. barrel 大桶 The wine is left to mature in oak barrels. 左邊的橡木桶有釀好的酒。 9. Whale 鯨 The Blue Whale is the world ' s largest living animal. 藍鯨是世界上最 大的動物。 10. shopkeeper店主 They told the shopkeeper to keep the change. 他们告訴店主不用找錢 了。

11. alone單獨的 She watches TV when she is alone. 獨自一人時,她便看電視。 12. stone石 The boy

11. alone單獨的 She watches TV when she is alone. 獨自一人時,她便看電視。 12. stone石 The boy threw some stones into the pond. 男孩把幾塊石頭丟進池 裡去。 13. become 成為 She became a famous writer. 她成了有名的作家。 14. valley山谷 The road gradually widened until we found ourselves in a large valley. 路漸漸寬了起來,最後我們走進了一個大的山谷。 15. turban纏頭巾 James looks strange with a turban around his head. 詹姆斯头上裹着 穆斯林的头巾, 看上去很陌生。

16. around 到處 Just drive me around. 開車帶我四處走走就行了。 17. jewel寶石 He spent important money

16. around 到處 Just drive me around. 開車帶我四處走走就行了。 17. jewel寶石 He spent important money on a small jewel for his wife. 他花大筆錢購 買小小的寶石給太太。 18. snake蛇 The child was frightened by the snake. 這小孩被蛇嚇了一跳。 19. animal動物 Human beings are social animals. 人是社會性的動物。 20. surprised感到驚訝的 He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different. 他 們居然結婚了——這讓他非常驚訝,因為他們實在是太不一樣了。

21. adventure冒險 He is a man full of adventure. 他是一個充滿冒險精神的人。 22. poor窮的 My family

21. adventure冒險 He is a man full of adventure. 他是一個充滿冒險精神的人。 22. poor窮的 My family used to be poor. 我家過去很窮。 23. dirty髒的 His mother colded him forgetting his clothes dirty. 他媽媽因他弄髒了衣服 而責罵他。 24. storm暴風雨 The ship had no sooner dropped an chorth an a storm broke. 船剛下錨暴 風雨就來了。 25. perhaps或許 The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain. 他經歷的恐怖事件在他腦海中刻下了深深的,或許是難以磨滅的印記。

26. explore探索 This issue of Sport explores the world of Snooker. 本期的《運動網》就將在 斯諾克檯球的天地中暢遊一番。 27.

26. explore探索 This issue of Sport explores the world of Snooker. 本期的《運動網》就將在 斯諾克檯球的天地中暢遊一番。 27. climb攀登 While the priest climb a post, the devil climb ten. 道高一尺,魔高一丈。 28. wave揮手 Amy lifted her arm to wave. "Goodbye, " she called. 艾米舉起胳膊揮揮手。 “再見,”她喊道。 29. wood木材 The heady aroma of wood fires emanated from the stove. 爐子裡散發出木 柴燃燒時的濃烈香味。 30. armour盔甲 He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour. 他编了一個穿著明 亮盔甲的騎士的迷人故事。

31. climb爬 The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in.

31. climb爬 The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in. 男孩們抬起 腿,示意想要爬進來。 32. beach海灘 Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide. 海灘上有 些地方在漲潮時完全淹沒在水中。 33. cage籠子 He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6 ft python. 他打開籠子,拎出一條 6 英尺長的蟒蛇。 34. strange奇怪的 There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me. 她態度有 些奇怪,讓我迷惑不解。 35. Break中斷 Many women still take career breaks to bring up children. 仍然有許多女性 為了撫養孩子而離職。

36. cannibal食人者 Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor

36. cannibal食人者 Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell. 食人殺手杰弗里·達默被抓到試圖將一片剃鬚刀片藏在牢房裡。 37. marry結婚 In many societies children still marry someone of their parents' choice. 在許 多社會,子女结婚仍然只能聽從父母之命。 38. groud地面 We drilled down into the groud to explore the pool of oil beneath us. 我们將 用鑽頭打入地下, 搜索石油。 39. throw摔 I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups. 我不會大喊大叫或摔茶杯。 40. attack抨擊 He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe. 他重新開始 對政府的歐洲政策進行抨擊。

41. cave洞穴 Most of the mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake.

41. cave洞穴 Most of the mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake. 洞口大半都 淹沒在湖裡。 42. wreck沉船 The shores are strewn with wrecks. 海岸上滿布失事船隻的殘骸。 43. boat船 Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car. 駕船和開車不是一回事。 44. present禮物 Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them. 哈利精心購置了禮物又仔细包好,讓馬克交给他們。 45. prisoner囚犯 A prisoner collapsed and died yesterday, apparently from natural causes. 一名囚犯昨天突然倒下死了,看上去像是正常死亡。

46. monster巨大的 The film will be a monster hit. 這部電影將會非常賣座。 47. ivory象牙 The Ivory

46. monster巨大的 The film will be a monster hit. 這部電影將會非常賣座。 47. ivory象牙 The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer. 象牙海岸成為 世界上可可粉的主要產地。 48. street街道 Locking up men does nothing more than keep them off the streets. 把這些 人關起來只是做到了不讓他們上街而已。 49. pirate海盜 Children dressed ( themselves ) up as pirates. 孩子們假扮成海盗。 50. wise聰明的 They might be wise to stop advertising on television. 他們不妨停止在電視 上做廣告,這樣做可能是明智之舉。

引言 • This story is about Sinbad’s seafaring adventure, Sinbad exhausted his father’s heritage,

引言 • This story is about Sinbad’s seafaring adventure, Sinbad exhausted his father’s heritage, so he was set out on a flight and looking for wealth, finally he go back home town then he share his wealth with poor people. • 這個故事是有關辛巴達的航海冒險,辛巴達用盡父親的遺產,因 此他出航尋找財富,最終她回到了故鄉,並將財富分享給貧窮的 人。

內容 • Originally, Sinbad used his father’s heritage and lived luxurious life he was

內容 • Originally, Sinbad used his father’s heritage and lived luxurious life he was had many of friend. But, he isn't know control when he costed money , so his father's heritage was exhausted without him and hisfriend was far away him. He was set out on a flight and looking for wealth, he hides the snake to nip and the big hawk, he finded verge of wealth. But he does not satisfy, therefore he goes to sea once more, The experience maneater, he has a liking for by some country king lets he has worked as the emperor's sonin-law, but princess valetudinarianism, the kingdom custom needs to be buried along with the dead, therefore he flees the kingdom, meets the big bird, also has hidden the crisis once more, obtains the wealth, Obtains the wealth Sinband sound of smacking lips to receive king's granting, but once more meets princess the father, therefore his in panic running away, unfortunately meets three snakes actually, he has rescued a girl on an island, therefore they return to Baghdad together, also is the Xin sound of smacking lips occupies originally, the Xin sound of smacking lips apportions its wealth the poor person.